Grinds My Gears
Adventure Time(Code)
Rolling in the Deep (Credits)
Just For Fun

This is type of file for recording that contains multiple discreet audio files, often split by inputs, and allows our Post teams more options during editing.

What is a POLY wav file?


A media synchronization system that is designed to perfectly synchronize your audio and video recordings.

What is Timecode?


This is an underrated, but incredibly useful method of organizing cables and maintaining them in good condition.

What is Cable Wrapping?


The person responsible for mic placement. Often thought of as "The Face of Audio on Set."

What is a Boom Operator?


The credit given to someone who creates the overarching themes, characters, and/or plot of the narrative, but not the specific dialog lines.

What is a "Story By..." Credit?


True or False:
As long as you have good ISO levels, you do not have to worry about mixing on set. 

Your mix will be heard in your Dailies. It's often the first thing your director, producers, and editors hear from Production Audio.


This is the Denecke TS-3. Why is it significant to THIS class?

It generates Timecode we can jam into our Mix Pre 6

A method of organizing your mixer/recorder by assigning names to each input. This is added to the metadata and labels your ISO tracks.

What is Naming Your Tracks?


The person responsible for running the set, keeping production on schedule, and day to day operations.

What is an Assistant Director (A.D.)?


Name this movie by its PreViz Art.

What is "Inception"?


The art of balancing the combined signals of all active inputs in a recorder. Often it involves keeping all levels even throughout a scene with a lot of dynamic range.

What is Mixing?


True or False:

Timecode relies on the internal clock of the device to continue running synchronized. Due to the different internal clocks in our devices, drift can occur, causing the devices to slowly desynchronize over time.


This is why Sound Mixer op to leave Timecode generators wired to the devices, even if they can be Jammed.


This is a type of art created to help the director or DP understand their shots. This art can be 2D, 3D, or sequential, and incredibly helpful for the sound department in Pre-Production.

What is PreViz?
What are Storyboards?


The person responsible for audio equipment, running cables, and gear organization on set.

What is a Sound Utility Technician?


This show famously used Fisher Booms after their Boom Operators spent most of season 1 on step ladders.

What is SuperStore


This is a method created to organize your files on and off set. You should always set up these rules for your file names to avoid confusion, save time, and allow other people on your team to identify your files easily.

What is a Naming Convention?


True or False:

Since they operate the slate, it is the 2nd AC's job to provide timecode to the camera, slate, and audio recorder. 


It is the Sound Mixer responsibility to sync timecode with all devices.


A document created by the Sound Mixer to mark the detail in each take recorded on set. The document notes  the scene, shot, and take number, as well as remarks about the particular take's sound.

What is a Sound Report?


This is 100% mandatory to have on a Call Sheet for safety of the entire cast and crew. If there are multiple locations, there should be multiple listings of this.

What is the Nearest Hospital?


This director famously does not use ADR. He believes what the audience sees and hears should be as close to what happened on set. 

Who is Quentin Tarantino


This gear is a mobile sound technician's workstation. It holds a variety of audio gear, including a recorder and separate mixing board. This allows our Sound Mixer more flexibility in mixing on set.

What is a Sound Cart?


This describes inserting Timecode to a camera, recorder, or slate. That Timecode then overwrites the original Timecode generated by the internal clock in the device. This allows two devices to run the same synchronized Timecode independently. 

What is Jamming Timecode?


True or False:

In general, Mixers keep their Boom on input 1.


The person responsible for capturing usable audio on set.

What is a Sound Mixer?


This is how you can tell the difference between the MixPre 6 Mark I (SFS) and the Mark II (HH).

What is the color on the metal bars in the front of the device?


This is a companion app to our MixPre 6s. This app allows us to quickly see which tracks are armed to record, rename files, label tracks, record a take, and generate a digital sound report all without touching the MixPre 6s. It sadly only works on IOS.

What is the SoundDevices Wingman App


Timecode counts this unit on the right most number.

What is Frames?

True or False:
It is inappropriate to have your contact information on a Sound Report. That info should be shared with the Director and Post Team ahead of time on set and a Sound Report should focus on the takes. 


A Sound Report should always include your contact information.


The head of the Audio Department on set?

Who is the Sound Mixer?


This was a non-union movie that did really well. Some actors involved were union members and gave stage names for their credits. The union eventually caught on and the actors had to pay violation fees.

What is Evil Dead?


This mode gives us more control over our Mix Pre 6. It allows us to get ISO tracks, set gain on individual channels, label channels, and more. You should always check to see if this mode in enabled.

What is Advance Mode?


Timecode is so accurate, it only drops 1 frame per ____ hours.

72 hours


This is something our Boom Op should always try to record. It happens before the director calls "Action" and has important information about the scene and take. It helps keeps our audio files organized as well.

What is The Slate


True or False:
All Cast and Crew have the same Call Time on the Call Sheet.


Talent often has a separate Call Time for when they need to be on set. Steady Cam Operator often have their own Call Time as well.


This is the ocean where The Bloop was recorded via sonar under the sea.

What is The Pacific Ocean


The Mix Pre 6 can accept Timecode from one of these connection inputs.

What is Mini HDMI?

What is AUX (3.5mm)?


This is how often you should sync your timecode on set.

What is Twice a Day


This is an image of the cable wrapping technique we learned in class. It's used by musicians, stagehands, and other audiovisual professionals and allows the cable to lie flat and untangled when unwrapped.

What is the Over-Under Technique?


The head of lighting and electrics on set. Often works close with the sound team to solves issues with the Boom causing shadows.

What is a Gaffer


A discreet audio channel that only captures the sounds of one input. This can give your post teams more flexibility with Dialog Editing.

What is an ISO track?


This is the type of wave signal Timecode is. 

What is a Square Wave?
