When does POM expire?
It does not expire
How many days sooner can you receive your refund with Spruce?
5 days sooner
Tax Identity Shield is usually compared to what competitor?
This service should be offered to each new client
Second Look
Tax Notice Support starts at how much?
What is Spruce's APY %
All a thief needs to file a fraudulent return are these 3 things
Social Security Number
How is best match calculated this year?
This is where you post your huddle
POM reimburses up to how much?
Spruce track this to help with your budgetting
The average out of pocket loss per victim of identity theft is
We should be setting this after the end of the service
Priority Appointment (Save the Date)
This teams channel is where your tax pros reach out for support
Peer-to-Peer Support Network
Audit Representation starts at how much?
Spruce has no fees on what?
No Monthly Fees
No Minimum Balance Requirements
No Overdraft Fees
Tax Identity Shield greatly impacts client retention by how much?
Missing documents
Pending Signatures
Pending Payment
What is our weekly cadence for Friday?
Conversion Friday
POM claims are processed within how many weeks?
6 Weeks
How many conveniently located ATMs do we have available for Spruce?
Over 55,000
What does your client need to do to activate their Tax Identity monitoring?
BWO has 2 new screens what are they called?
Getting to know you
Value Screen
If you don't say Daniella, you lose all of your points