How many classrooms are there at Euroschool?
There are 8
Steve drew something (masterfully) on the board at the beginning of the class.
What did he draw?
a christmas tree
Think of the punchline to this joke...
What did the buffalo say to his son when he dropped him off at school?
a) Mooove it!
b) Bison
c) I never want to see you again
Which Tennis Grand Slam is played on a clay surface?
The French Open (Roland Garros)
As soon as you walk into the school....what is on the right, behind the door?
Books and DVD'S
Look at this picture... (10 secs)
Phone- on the left side of the desk
Chair- beige with black arms
Lamp- black
(extra- floppy disk, calendar, paper, pen, pen holder, calculator, green mat.)
Tongue twister! Who's the fastest?
'How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?'
If a cat meows and a cow goes moo...what sound does a dog make? (sound or the verb)
a dog goes woof
the verb is barkAll the classrooms here are named after big cities in the U.K.
How many classrooms can you name?
Liverpool, Brighton, London, Glasgow,
Cardiff, Oxford, Cambridge, Manchester
Look at this number...(10 secs)
How many did you get?
Which country in the world is believed to have the most miles of motorway?
have you noticed that there is a white christmas tree in the corridor?
What is been put just infront of it?
A father christmas (have a look)
- T-shirt said 'New York'
- Behind him was a bookshelf
- the line he reads is 'okay see you later'
- she says... 'I memorize the whole and not the parts'
How many black keys does a full sized piano have?
(be within 5 over or under the answer)
It has 88 white and black keys in total.
52 are white
36 are black
The famous expression IS 'keep calm and carry on', but...
...opposite the toilet there is a red sign that says 'keep calm and...?'
...bake cakes
Look at this picture...
name as many things as you can in 30 seconds.
(+ extra points questions next)
Tongue twister! This is a tough one.
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers
Where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?
to pick a peck means to gather a large quantity of (vegetables/ plants)
It isn't a common word and is only heard in that tongue twister.
How many hearts does an octopus have?
They have 3!