Growth Disorders
Anatomic Differences and Assessment
Orthopedic Disorders
Peaks at age 6 (2-12). Vascular disturbance that leads to bone death in the hip.
What is Legg-Calve-Perthes? S/S hip and or groin pain. Limited hip motion. Goal: Keep femoral head in hip joint! Achieved by traction anti-inflam meds, Physical therapy or OR.
A way to predict a child's bone age.
What does a radiograph of the left wrist predict?
Condition that occurs when weakness is noted and motor milestones are not met. Hypotonia, mental retardation or scoliosis may also occur.
What is Cerebral palsy. 44% have prenatal causes. Reflexes persist or are absent when expected.
Talipes Equinovarus
What is club foot.
Complications associated with fractures (6)
What is infection, compartment syndrome, venous thrombus, fat embolism, non union, avascular necrosis.
Occurs due to repetitive motion. When pt squats or extends knee against resistance severe pain. Mostly in males 10-14.
What is Odgood-Schlatters? Management includes decreasing activity, stretching, anti-inflam meds.
Three musculoskeletal differences in children vs adults.
Epiphyseal growth plate present Bones are growing / heal faster Bones are more pliable Periosteum thicker and more active Abundant blood supply to the bone The younger the child the faster the healing.
Infection of bone and tissue around bone.
What is osteomyelitis? Can cause massive bone destruction and even sepsis. Diagnosed by x-rays, increased CBC, ESR, CRP and bone scan (best way to diagnose)
Baby is born with adducted foot giving it a kidney bean shape.
What is metatarsus adductus. often resolves on it's own.
The 5 P's
What is pain, pallor, pulse, paresthesia, paralysis.
Unequal scapula/hips. Strengthening and stretching and/or brace may correct. Pain is not normal. (be specific)
What is mild scoliosis?
Examine area last, be gentle when you palpate.
What is the proper way to examine an injury?
Most sensitive lab value to evaluate progress of inflammatory disease.
What is C-reactive protein. ( increases 6 hrs. after injury) Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) (increases 24 hr after injury?
Child has a positive Ortolani maneuver, asymmetrical lower skin folds, and decreased ROM.
What are the symptoms of hip dysplasia. Intervention includes: hip flex position, traction, Pavlik harness, hip surgery.
Classification system the describes the injury and potential for growth disturbance.
What is Salter?
Waddling gait, marked lordosis, large calves.
What is muscular dystrophy?
Painful condition that prevents nourishment from reaching nerves and muscle cells.
What is compartment syndrome. always assess for increasing deep pain, edema, decreased sensation, absent pulses distal to injury.
1st line of drugs used to treat are ASA, NSAIDS. if little relief may use Enbrel and or Remicade.
What is juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.
Genetic defect the affects the bodys production of collagen.
What is Ostogenesis Imperfecta or "brittle bone disease" Osteopenia, short, multiple fxs with lack of bruising at fx site.
2 Acronym's for the treatment of soft tissue injuries?
What is RICE and ICES (ice, compression, elevate, support)
Child has to use hands and arms to "walk-up" his own body from a squatting position. (down dog!)
What is Gower's sign? due to weakness of hip/thigh muscles. which Dx is this symptom associated with?
These are all important to asssess in a neurovascular assessment (8)
What is assessment of Circulation,Nerve function, Sensation,Motion, Temperature,Capillary refill, Color, Pulses important?
What is site to help parents with babies that cry alot. Increased Crying is number one risk of child abuse Crying is not always easily fixed by caregivers It is not a reflection on the capability of the care giver Even babies in cultures where there is nearly constant contact between the mother and baby have the same crying curve. max crying occurs around 6 weeks.
interventions include manipulation, serial casting immediately, surgery occurs between 4-12 months.
What is club foot interventions.
5 principles of traction.
What is Counter traction with weights. Make sure all ropes and pulleys are aligned and weights are hanging freely. Do not remove weights unless instructed to do so Traction must be applied at all times. Physician order should include amount of weight to be applied.