“A Letter from Birmingham Jail”
Who is Martin Luther King Jr.
Written in paper, typically to a known recipient, and mailed in an envelope [out of date format]
What is a Letter
What is an exclamation point
The professor’s middle name
Name the Rhetorical Triangle
What is Exigence, Audience, and Constraints
The painting “Starry Night”
Who is Vincent Van Gogh
Similar to a letter, sent digitally. More common in professional/academic settings.
What is an email
When you wish to use a quote, but only the beginning and the end, you use this...
What is an ellipses
Name either the author or title of the article on streaming site Twitch.
Nicole Carpenter / The Gentle Side of Twitch
This part of the rhetorical triangle is the conditions that require a response
What is the Exigence
Don’t overcook his documentary films commonly airing on PBS such as “Jazz” and “Baseball.”
Ken Burns
Thoughts/comments/news/memes etc. can be shared within this format — so long as it doesn’t exceed the character limit.
What is a tweet
The format of an in-text citation?
What is (author’s last name and page#)
When trying to relate to your reader on an emotional level.
What is Pathos
This part of the rhetorical triangle contains both an intentional and unintentional this.
What is the Audience
A letter from the CEO of Amazon to inform you that you belong to him now.
Who is Jeff Bezos
an audio-only format that often uses interviews, headlines, topics of discussion; informal in nature and often listened to through earbuds. Made popular in the 21st century.
What is a podcast
This is what you do when you don’t quote directly but reword the authors ideas as your own.
What is Paraphrase
When you use an expert in the field to bolster your own argument, you are using this rhetorical strategy
What is Ethos
Name two major constraints for a Highway Billboard
*Judged by me*
The film “Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood”
Who is Quentin Tarantino
These are Peer-Reviewed by experts in the specific field. Published often by a university press.
What is an academic journal article/academic research essay.
If you’re accessing an online source, you need to include two dates on your work’s cited: the date of publication and this...
What is 'the date of access'
According to campus legend, Professor Murphy takes this vehicle to campus.
What is a boat
What composition scholar, referenced in Backpacks vs. Briefcases was the leading scholar on the idea of the rhetorical situation?
Who is Lloyd Bitzer