You get a random link for free money should you click the link?
What is a digital footprint?
A digital footprint is a trail of data you create while using the internet this can includes websites you visit, emails, and information you submit to online services.
Can you use any pictures on the internet?
No, many pictures are put on the internet to display work, this can be used for public domain and be private, leading you to check with the author/ website to check
A school trusted website asks for your email to send info about your upcoming websites, should you use your email?
Yes, this website is trusted therefore your email wouldn't be used for devious acts/intentions
Who can follow your digital footprint?
Anyone can follow your digital footprint (friend or classmate, but potential employers, school authorities, government, and even hackers)
What is public domain?
Public domain is creative materials that are not protected by intellectual property laws such as copyright, trademark, or patent laws
How should you keep track of your passwords for websites?
The best way is logbooks, saving passwords to websites is not the best idea when it comes to saving passwords hackers can easily access your passwords.
Why does your digital footprint matter?
Anything you do online counts, everything is tracked and can even be used against you.
What is copyright?
Copyright is the right to copy this includes exclusive rights granted by law to copyright owners for the protection of their work.
What does being a good digital citizen means?
Some examples are Thinking before you post something online, You keep your personal information private, You never threaten or harass someone using technology
When should you pay attention to your online activities?
Always, you must ensure that all of your posts follow up with proper privacy settings and you must be aware of what you post and what websites you visit because what you do online can be used against you and been seen.
If you have ever taken a photo, are you the copyright owner?
Yes you are the owner, you don't have to file anything, publish anything, or take any action to own or establish your copyright, it's automatic and immediate
What should you do if you see something inappropriate online?
Avoid liking or reporting it, flag it, and tell a trusted adult or guardian/parent
How can you manage your digital footprint?
Know what accounts that you have created, be consistent and cordial about what you say online, don't post when in doubt, and know what you accept for example make sure that you check your privacy settings
Does copyright only relate to images?
Copyright does not only relate to images, it also affects articles, drawings, and much more.