What field do you study?
(I study...)
I work for...
(your boss/employer/company/school)
A group of people with similar goals working together
My main responsibility is...
(Explain your tasks at work)
A person who is paid to work for another person or company
How do you work in groups?
(explain how to work in groups)
I research...
(your area of study)
Someone who hires and pays other people
At work/school I report to...
(Who do you report to)
Tasks or assignments for a person to complete
How do you communicate with co-workers/other students?
(explain how you communicate)
What I like about my job most is that...
(describe what you like most about your job)
Line of work/job
The responsibilities at my job are...
(explain job responsibilities)
Problem solving
The ability to end/find solutions to problems
What do I want to do with my degree?
(I would like to...)
I like to work in an office because...
(explain why)
A certificate of skill in a certain topic
I like to work in the environment because...
(Explain why you like to work in the environment)
A group of people who work on or towards something together
What is your dream workspace?
(explain dream workspace)
I have a degree in...
(what degrees do you have from university)
Time Management
The ability and way a person organizes their schedule to make progress on work
I like to work alone because...
(explain why you like to work alone)
A skill/ability to make choices (normally well)