Every 15 minutes
Sitting and observing children.
The method used to sanitize surfaces.
This is not permitted in the classroom.
Infants cannot have this on them.
What are pacifier clips?
No, blankets are not safe for this age.
Can blankets be used on children under 12 months?
Should be worn while passing out food.
Minimum of twice a day.
How frequently should your room be cleaned?
This is prohibited inside the building, refusal to follow this would result in termination.
What are vapes?
Babies being able to roll from back to front and front to back.
What is required for babies to be laid on their tummy in a crib?
Transferring must be within 5 minutes.
How soon do you move a sleeping infant after they fall asleep?
They must be posted in each classroom to guarantee children will not be served this.
What is an allergy list?
This should be done at arrival, before and after eating, after coming inside, after crafts, and after sneezing/coughing.
These are used for school purposes only.
What are classroom tablets?
This cannot be withheld from children or used as a form of bargaining/rewards.
They cannot be touching/close together.
The components of each meal.
This is to be made daily.
Weather permitting, this needs to occur daily.
What is outdoor play?
In a place where all children can be seen.
Something each child should have at every mealtime.
This is to be done before and after eating, after craft time, after a child puts their mouth on something, and after any mess is made on a surface.
What is two-step sanitation?
Failure to attend would result in corrective action.
What is Professional Development Day?
What is 2 1/2 and up?