Name one physical sign of burnout?
Fatigue, headache, insomnia, depression, etc.
Name one personality trait that is helpful to have as a healthcare worker.
Empathy, adaptability, positivity, problem solving, etc.
What is the definition of professional integrity?
Acting honestly and ethically, even when no one is watching.
True or False: It's okay to look up a family member's X-ray results if they ask you.
False! HIPAA and confidentiality rules.
What's the best snack for surviving a long shift?
Name an unhealthy way to manage stress and burnout?
Substance abuse, gambling, eating disorders, compulsiveness, etc.
Why is self-awareness an important trait for X-ray techs?
Helps with communication, teamwork, decision-making, adaptability, etc.
True or False: It's okay to refuse to take X-rays on a drunk driver because you don't agree with the choices they've made.
False. We still need to provide patient-centered care, while adhering to ethical codes.
True or False: You can force a patient to have X-rays because it is the doctor's orders.
False! Patients have the right to refuse.
If radiography had a theme song, what would it be?
Get creative!
Name two healthy ways to manage stress during a shift?
Deep breathing, breaks, hydration, etc.
What is one trait that may negatively impact an X-ray tech's ability to handle stress?
Perfectionism, low adaptability, poor time management, low work ethic, etc.
Give an example of when a healthcare worker might need to put professional duty above personal values?
Administering care that conflicts with personal opinions but aligns with medical ethics and patient rights.
A patient refuses an X-ray but the doctor wants it done. What do you do?
Patient's are allowed to refuse! Respect their autonomy, inform the doctor, and document refusal.
What are you most looking forward to in your MRT career?
How many of you answered, "X-raying foreign bodies?!"
What is one long-term strategy to build resilience in healthcare?
Regular exercise, mindfulness, work-life boundaries, etc.
True or False: Introverted X-ray techs are always less effective communicators than extroverts.
False! Communication is a skill that both introverts and extroverts can learn.
Your supervisor asks you to do something you feel is ethically wrong. What do you do?
You witness a coworker making an error but they don't notice. What do you do?
Politely point it out, help correct it, document if necessary.
Let's hear your best X-ray puns!
I hope you come up with something humerus!
What's a common misconception about burnout?
It's just "feeling tired," it's just because someone can't cope, it happens to lazy people, etc.
Why is having a healthy lifestyle an important factor to being an X-ray technologist?
Physically demanding job, lower risk of injury, etc.
A colleague jokes about cutting corners because "no one will notice." This doesn't align with your values. How should you respond?
Emphasize patient safety and professional integrity.
A patient is unconscious, and their family insists on seeing the images you just took. What do you do?
Explain that only the physician can discuss results.
Name 3 bones in the human body. GO!
The funny bone doesn't count!