Please name three unprofessional things to wear to work.
- shorts
- tank tops
- ETC.
What is professionalism in your own words?
Knowing how to dress and act in a way that people will take you seriously is defined as what?
If you are experiencing problems or just having a bad day at work and it is affecting your work what should you do....?
Speak with boss, job coach or supervisor
Is it appropriate to wear jeans to the workplace?
Depends on the location
What is a timesheet?
Sheet used by workers to track hours of employment
Your co-worker is having a bad day and snaps at you, what do you do?
Understand we all have bad days, speak with a supervisor
Who in class is the most professionally dressed today?
Is using Social Media a good way to find a job
Yes absolutely (Networking)
Snag a Job
Why is it important to be on time for work or school?
It shows that you are responsible and that people can count on you.
Your boss asks you to give a presentation tomorrow about your job to 3 other employees and the CEO of the company. What do you do?
Do the task asked,
prepare for the presentation (maybe making a powerpoint, practicing what you are going to say).
if you don't know how to do something ask for clarification. Get out of your comfort zone
Who determines what is appropriate or inappropriate for work
Company, Boss, Supervisor, Job coaches
What should you avoid sharing on social media to maintain professionalism?
Personal information, inappropriate photos, or offensive comments.
What is good customer service?
Being kind and helping customers quickly when they need something.
Tell me two types of communication
Nonverbal and verbal
Name 3 things you can do at work or in a professional setting to show that you are professional.
- Ask questions
- sit up straight
- eye contact
- Be respectful
How should you dress for an interview?
button up
dress pants
Do jobs look at your social media?
Yes (be careful)
Name 3 professional people you know and tell us why
Your opinion