What do we call a person who teaches?
un professeur
What does a doctor do?
Il aide les malades
What's the passé composé of "go"?
être allé
A nurse helps _____ people
What do we call a person who enforces the law?
What does an artist do?
Il dessine. Il peint des tableaux
What's the passé composé of "buy"?
avoir acheté
A hair stylist works in a _________.
salon de coiffeur.
What do we call a person who fixes and cleans teeth?
un dentiste
What does a chef do?
Il fait la cuisine. Il cuisine.
What's the passé composé of eat?
avoir mangé
A _________ works in a courtroom.
What do we call a person who puts out fire?
un pompier
What does a vet do?
Il aide les animaux malades.
What's the passé composé of "drink"?
avoir bu
A _________ works on a studio.
What do we call a person who fixes faucets and toilets?
un plombier
What does an athlete do?
Il joue aux sports.
What's the passé composé of "drive"?
avoir conduit
An __________ goes to outer space.