He ___________ an engineer
He is an engineer
She is a good singer.
Ella es una buena cantante
Incorrect. He is a nurse
If I am sick, I go to the doctor
I am a dancer
I am not a dancer
You ____________ a teacher
You are a teacher
I am not a lawyer.
James and I am great firefighters
Incorrect. James and I are great firefighters
If my dog is sick, I take it to the vet
They are carpenters
They are not carpenters
Nicholas and Mary ___________ singers
Nicholas and Mary are singers
You are a vet
Tu eres veterinario.
My sister and my brother are students
If my house is on fire, I need lawyers to put out the fire.
False. If my house is on fire, I need FIREFIGHTERS to put out the fire
She is a singer and he is a police officer
She is not a singer and he is not a police officer
I _________ a farmer and she __________ a vet.
I am a farmer and she is a vet.
They are pilots and we are engineers
Ellos son pilotos y nosotros ingenieros
They are a singers
Incorrect. They are singers
If I want food, I need dancers.
False. If I want food, I need FARMERS
You are a vet and he is a pilot
You are not a vet and he is not a pilot
You _________ a carpenter, my friend _________ a hairdresser and they __________ dancers
You are a carpenter, my friend is a hairdresser and they are dancers
My mother is a psychologist and father is a ophthalmologist
Mi mamá es psicóloga y mi papá es oftalmólogo.
I am doctor, he are dentist and you are a lawyers
Incorrect. I am a doctor, he is a dentist and you are a lawyer.
I am a lawyer, he is a salesperson, she is a janitor and we are farmers
I am not a lawyer, he is not a salesperson, she is not a janitor and we are not farmers