Admission Criteria
Skill Building
Motivational Interviewing
Program Interventions: Skill Building
Program Responsivity Strategies

Live for Life’s target population is male youths with high mental health needs that are under the supervision of this agency?

Who is, DHS/DJJS?


Because of this, in a variety of behavioral and cognitive behavioral treatments, skill building is recognized as being an important component of treatment with juveniles.

What is effectiveness?


According to this "What Works" Principle, treatment should be matched to personal characteristics of the youth.

What is responsivity?


Our program targets 28 risk factors, as listed on the PRA and teaches these skills to help clients reduce risk on their selected priority risk factors.

What is Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT)?


These two strategies utilize familiarity with clients including but not limited to common interests, hobbies, body language, and monitoring interactions.

What are building rapport and knowing the youth?


To help assist in determining placement, the referring case manager is asked to send the most recent mental health assessment to whom?

Who is the Executive Director?


While some treatments focus on talk therapy and understanding past life events, skill building focuses on this.

What is skill development?


To accommodate this, while also being goal-oriented, our clinicians use this with our clients.

What is motivational interviewing?


Our youth learn all of the DBT skills through a combination of these three meetings.

What are group therapy, individual therapy, and staff groups?


This strategy implores the use of leading by example with good boundaries, proper hygiene, and exemplifying respect. 

What is modeling?


The inclusionary criteria for our program are these.

What is at least one formally diagnosed mental, behavioral, and/or emotional disorder, at least two psychosocial impairments, a classification as being high or moderate risk on the client's PRA, and borderline intellectual functioning or higher?


This is an important component of DBT and our program's adherence to the "What Works" Principles.

What is skill building?


Motivational interviewing helps clients to resolve this by exploring their inner motivation.

What are feelings of ambivalence?


Each client is provided with a spiral bound workbook to use in group therapy where the majority of DBT skills are taught from these five DBT modules. 

What is Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance, Walking The Middle Path, Emotion Regulation, and Interpersonal Effectiveness?


These two strategies are designed to increase prosocial behavior from our clients with an emphasis on repetition for consistency. 

What are positive reinforcement and praise?


The exclusionary criteria for our program are these.

What are clients who have not been classified as being high or moderate risk on their NASP, clients who have not been diagnosed with at least one mental health disorder, clients who exhibit highly sexualized behaviors, and clients who have been shown to be an imminent threat to society?


Skill building teaches clients this to replace their old anti-social ones.

What are specific alternative tools?


Motivational interviewing helps clients move through the stages of this.

What is change?


Clients review the practice exercises from the workbook that were assigned in group therapy here to ensure DBT skills are being internalized. 

What is individual therapy?


This strategy is an effective way for staff to help clients shift their focus through distraction. 

What is redirecting?


Skill building provides clients the opportunity to understand that their behaviors are maladaptive and to practice ways of changing them into pro-social behaviors that have this.

What are positive reinforcers?


Motivational interviewing helps clients move through the stages of change at a faster pace than solely this style of therapy.

What is client-centered?


Staff groups are run one hour per week to help clients focus on practicing DBT skills by using this type of intervention that involves rehearsing scenarios where DBT skills can be used.

What is role-playing?


This strategy is a communication tool that is taught during our Positive Control System (PCS) training and is designed to facilitate a client during crisis mode. 

What is verbal de-escalation?
