How many Programs are there?
In how many programs can an activity be enrolled?
Maximum 2. The activity coordinator needs to fill the enrollment form twice, separately for each program, and submit two candidature forms, one for each program.
What is the deadline for activity reporting and for the submission of the Programs Annual Impact Report?
Deadline for activity reporting: 15th June
Deadline for PAR submission: 1st July
Who can enroll activities?
What types of activities are there?
First time activities: they have never been enrolled before and there is no solid plan to organise them for consecutive terms
Continuous activities: they have never been enrolled before and they are expected to be organised for multiple terms
Replicating activities: they are inspired by exisiting activities, have never been enrolled before
How are activities data used by IFMSA?
1. Collected and analysed in the Programs Annual Impact Report
2. Presented in external meetings by EA team.
3. Creation of papers/posters/reports
4. Promotion in campaigns
Name 5 documents useful for Programs and Activity Management
1. Programs Toolkit
2. From Idea to Impact
3. Evaluation Manual
4. Ethical Fundraising in IFMSA
5. Programs IOGs
Can someone enroll an activity after the reporting deadline?
Yes, an activity can be enrolled at any point during the term. Hoever, if an activity is enrolled after June 15th, it will have to be reported during the next IFMSA term.
What will happen if an activity isn't reported?
If it's a first time or replicating activity, we will simply lack data in the Programs Annual Impact Report.
If it's a continuous activity, which hasn't been enrolled for 2 consecutive terms, the activity will automatically lose its enrolled status.
What are IFMSA Programs?
An IFMSA Program is a stream of NMOs' activities coordinated centrally and addressing a predefined theme. It underpins the vision and mission of IFMSA
How many enrollment forms are there and when can an activity be enrolled?
One, unified for all 13 programs.
Whenever they want, after the launch of the enrollment form in October. It can be before, during or after the implementation of an activity, but ideally 4 weeks before the start of the activity.
When does activities reporting happen?
After the activity has been completed. IFMSA's standard practice so far has been to open the report form during May and June.
Is there a workshop dedicated to activity management?
Yes, SMART and AMOC.
Can an NMO enroll the SCORA sessions conducted in an NMO meeting?
No. SCORA sessions do not usually fulfil the criteria set for activities to be accepted in IFMSA programs (as specified for activities in the Theory of Change). They can, however, be submitted in the SCORA Activities Database.
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