What is an informational text?
A story that teaches you information. A story you learn about something.
Hal and Alex were terrified in the haunted house.
a. scared b. happy c. tired
a. scared
What are they called "prairie dogs"?
They sound like barking dogs.
Name 2 animals that live in a cave.
Foxes, bears, bats, blind cave fish, wolf spider
What is a topic?
What a story or paragraph is about.
It’s snowing outside! I hope I get to use my new toboggan on Elmer’s Hill tomorrow!
a. shoe b. shovel c. sled
c. sled
What can you use to make a home for an animal?
Rocks, branches and twigs, flowerpot, squash
What is a prairie dog's home called?
What are key details?
Important things about the story.
After running through the forest, my hair is completely disheveled.
a. smelly b. messy c. perfect
b. messy
What are two things that are special about animals that always live in a cave?
They are blind. They are pale.
What happened to Jacques Coustaeu when he was at summer camp?
He was punished
What is a procedural text?
A story that teaches you how to make or do something.
It said on the news that a prisoner has escaped from prison and that we should all be vigilant.
a. excited b. scared c. look-out for danger
c. look-out for danger
What did Jacques Coustaeu help with?
Teaching about the ocean, making goggles, help make an air tank
What bird did you read about today?
Weaver Bird
What are context clues?
Other words in a sentence (or picture) that can help you figure out what a word means.
“This is a covert mission. No-one must know about it,” explained the Army Officer.
a. important b. secret c. dangerous
b. secret
What happened when Jacques Cousteau moved back to France?
He was in a car accident and hurt his arms.
What happens if a prairie dog thinks danger is near?
It stands up.