What are the 4 chambers of the heart
Right Atrium, left atrium, right ventricle, left ventricle
What are the 2 functions of the respiratory system
Bring in O2 and remove CO2
Why is a sprinter breathing rapidly after finishing a 100m sprint?
So that the Oxygen debt can be repaid (the shortfall of Oxygen)
Name 2 Anaerobic activities
100m and 400m sprint, Triple jump, shot putt, weight lifting.
What are the names of the valves in the heart
Tricuspid, Bicuspid and semi lunar
What are the functions of the CV system
Transport, Protection, Regulation of temperature
What 3 things does the nose do to the air it breathes in?
Warms, filters, moistens.
Give 2 STEs on the Respiratory system
Increased +breathing rate, +depth of breathing, +gaseous exchange, +tidal volume. Oxygen debt builds up.
Name 2 Aerobic activities
Marathon, long distance swimming / cycling / rowing
What is the fuel for Anaerobic energy
What artery carries the blood away from the heart to the body
Gaseous exchange, small, one cell thick
Give 2 STEs on the Muscular system
Increased +temperature of muscles, + CO2 levels, +lactate accumulation +muscle fatigue
Give the equation for Aerobic energy
Glucose + O2 = Energy + CO2 + water
Why are FATS not used as fuel for Anaerobic sports events?
Because they are the slowest of fuel sources to break down. They need O2 to break them down into a useable fuel source.
What is vasodilation and vasoconstriction
Vasodilation:widening of the internal lumen for more blood flow. Vasoconstriction: Reducing the internal diameter of the lumen to reduce blood flow
Describe gaseous exchange
Exchange/swapping of O2 for CO2 due to the pressure change from High to Low concentration
How do you get rid of lactic acid and CO2 in the muscles?
Cool down: Heart rate&breathing rate kept high, so O2 can break down lactic acid& more gaseous exchange to remove CO2.
Give the equation for Anaerobic energy production
Glucose = Energy +Lactic acid
The pulmonary artery leaves the heart and delivers the blood to the -----
lungs to pick up O2.
Describe Arteries
Thick muscular wall, thin lumen, carry blood at high pressure
List 6 components of the respiratory system
Nose, mouth, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli, ribs, intercostal muscles, diaphragm.
Give 2 STEs on the cardiovascular system
Increased +heart rate, +BP, +stroke volume, +cardiac output. Redistribution of blood (vasodilation, vasoconstriction)
Name the fuel for Aerobic energy
Give 3 characteristics of Veins.
Carry blood back to the heart. Thin walls, non elastic, large internal lumen, valves.