Farm Issues and Populism
Progressive Drives Reform
Striving For Equality
Striving for Equality Part 2
Progressive Presidents

Who supported the People's Party?

Farmers, Miners, Ranchers, Commonfolk etc. 


What is a Muckraker?

New generation of journalists writing for mass circulation magazines and newspapers, exposed the realities of industrial and urban life in America


What did the Temperance movement push to get banned



What is Suffrage

The Right to Vote


True or False - Progressive Presidents tried fighting against Big Business



Which Political Candidate represented the Populist's Party?

William Jennings Bryan


What did Jacob Riis's book How the Other Half Lives show?

Life in Tenements


Efforts during the Progressive Era to gain the right to vote for women included —

A. filing lawsuits with the Supreme Court

B. strikes and lobbying federal legislators

C. boycotts and conducting public referendums

D. public protests and amending the Constitution

D. public protests and amending the Constitution


As a part of his attempt to expand political and economic rights for African Americans, W. E. B. DuBois and other prominent Progressive leaders founded the —

A. Freedman’s Journal

B. United Negro Alliance

C. League of United African American Voters

D. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

D. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People


What was the name of the third party Theodore Roosevelt ran under in 1912? 

Bull Moose Party


Why did Farmers want to switch to the Silver Standard instead of the Gold Standard? 

Switching to silver would lower the value of the dollar, making it easier to pay off debt. 


What piece of legislation did Upton Sinclair's book The Jungle help create?

The Pure Food and Drug Act


Jane Addams is best remembered for —

A. writing muckraking articles inspiring social reform

B. creating social reform programs for the urban poor

C. leading the temperance movement during the early 1900s

D. serving as the first woman representative during the 1800s

B. creating social reform programs for the urban poor


The activism of Susan B. Anthony impacted American government because it led to the passage of the —

A. Seventeenth Amendment

B. Eighteenth Amendment

C. Nineteenth Amendment

D. Twentieth Amendment

C. Nineteenth Amendment

  • Sherman Anti-trust Act
  • Pure Food and Drug Act
  • Interstate Commerce Act

Which of the following best describes the relationship between the federal government and business during the Progressive Era?

A. The federal government created mandated protections for businesses.

B. The federal government gave funding to further business development.

C. The federal government took an active part in regulating business practices.

D. The federal government passed laws promoting improved working conditions.

C. The federal government took an active part in regulating business practices.


How did the third party candidates influence American society in the 1890’s?

A. It created a grassroots campaign that resulted in record high voter turnout.
B. It started the tradition of third party candidates winning in American elections.
C. It drew attention to the growing disparity between rich and poor in the nation.
D. It caused the presidential election to be disputed in the House of Representatives.

C. It drew attention to the growing disparity between rich and poor in the nation.

How did the American public and President Roosevelt respond to Upton Sinclair's The Jungle
A. advocating for reforms to working conditions

B. demanding better school nutrition programs
C. calling for the regulation of the food industry
D. working for the passage of the Sixteenth Amendment

C. calling for the regulation of the food industry

The writings of W. E. B. DuBois promoted the idea that —

A. African Americans deserved racial equality immediately

B. African Americans needed to organize as a political party

C. African Americans must leave the country to obtain rights

D. African Americans should seek to gradually gain civil rights

A. African Americans deserved racial equality immediately


Journalist and social reformer Ida B. Wells was responsible for exposing the brutality associated with —

A. lynching

B. gambling

C. child labor

D. alcohol abuse

A. lynching


The Progressive Era is defined as a historical era because the time period is characterized by the—

A. shrinking of the U.S industrial economy

B. growing support for overseas expansion

C. shifting attitudes about civil rights for minorities

D. changing ideas about the functions of U.S. government

D. changing ideas about the functions of U.S. government


How did the Seventeenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution give more political power to the individual voter?

A. It allowed citizens to vote regardless of race, creed, or ethnicity.

B. It freed citizens to vote without paying a poll tax or passing a literacy test.

C. It established the direct election of U.S. Senators by popular vote.

D. It allowed for the number of senators per state to be determined by population.

C. It established the direct election of U.S. Senators by popular vote.


The reform movements of the Progressive Era generally focused on —

A. civil rights for minority groups

B. policies related to isolationism

C. issues related to social injustice

D. concerns about conservationism


C. issues related to social injustice


Political change in the Progressive Era was characterized by the expansion of —

A. social welfare programs

B. power for the executive branch

C. individual rights for more Americans

D. civil rights for American Indian tribes

C. individual rights for more Americans

  • Seventeenth Amendment
  • Nineteenth Amendment
  • Direct Party Primaries

A. citizens became more involved in the election process

B. corporate leaders began campaigning for elected office

C. political bosses gained greater control over local elections

D. big business came under additional government regulation

A. citizens became more involved in the election process


Which of the following was one effect of the Progressive Era political reforms of initiative, referendum, and recall?

A. Judicial authority expanding to include administering local elections.

B. Government officials responding to the needs of voters more readily.

C. Women and minorities increasing participation in the political process.

D. Political machines gaining greater influence in local elections and politics.

B. Government officials responding to the needs of voters more readily.
