This event claimed the lives of 146 people and forced companies to make working conditions safer.
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
African-American leader who promoted immediate equality.
W.E.B Dubois
The right to vote.
Journalists who exposed corruption in cities during the Progressive Era
Which president used "Dollar Diplomacy" to deal with other nations?
What message is being conveyed by this cartoon?
The wealthy were dependent on the labor of the working class.
This government reform allows citizens of a state to propose and pass a law without involving their state legislature?
What is the initiative?
Civil Rights leader to started Tuskegee Institute. Taught students to make bricks.
Booker T Washington
During the Progressive Era, did the role of the federal government get bigger or smaller?
Teddy Roosevelt's policy for relationships with other nations was called Big _____ diplomacy.
He worked as undercover muckraker in a meat-packing plant and wrote the book The Jungle.
Who is Upton Sinclair?
The Sherman Antitrust Act and the Clayton Antitrust Act were passed in an effort to
Maintain competition in business
Name the President after TAFT.
Woodrow Wilson
The era that brought many changes and reforms to American society
progressive era
President Teddy Roosevelt's 3 major goals for America was called ______ deal.
Daily Double
This amendment banned alcohol in the U.S.
When a business controls every aspect of an industry. This causes a lack of competition and raises prices for consumers.
Famous early 20th Century Activist that did the following: Led the American Railway Union, Ran for U.S. president five times as the Socialist Party nominee, and cofounded the IWW - the industrial works of the world.
Eugene Debs
This is the section of the country where advances in suffrage took hold first.
What is the West?
The _____ anti trust act was an attempt to break up monopolies but the language was too vague to inforce.
The Amendment that gave women the right to vote.
19th Amendment
The Supreme Court ruled that women could only work 10 hour days.
What is Mueller v. Oregon?
Serves as a democratic mechanism that allows individuals to have a voice in choosing who represents their respective political parties BEFORE the general elections.
Direct Primary
The Federal Reserve Act created the
Federal Reserve
Name the President after Teddy Roosevelt.
Howard Taft
This businessman was involved in shipping and railroads. He helped build a University in Nashville TN
Cornelius Vanderbilt
This New York law said that apartments had to have a bathroom in each apartment.
What is the Tenement House Act?
The 1st Progressive president. As president, he passed laws improving the meat industry and went after monopolies.
Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt
Initiatives, referendums, and recall elections were supported by the Progressives as ways to increase citizen participation in the
political process.
The Grange movement eventually grew into this political party?
Populist Party
The Grange movement influenced the rise of populist sentiment, prompting the formation of other farmer's organizations, such as????
The Farmer's Alliance.
This is the name of the tariff that Taft signed into law as President.
What is the Payne-Aldrich Tariff?
Law passed to protect the food and medicines Americans consumed.
The Pure Food and Drug Act
The urban, Christian movement said people had a moral duty to help solve society's problems and to help people who are struggling.
Social Gospel Movement
The manufacture, sale, and consumption of this became officially illegal in 1920.
What is alcohol?