This law created inspections for disease and set santitary conditions in meat processing palnts
What is the Meat Inspection Act 1906.
These laws provided for pay for those injured on the job, 44 states had adopted them by 1929.
What are Worker's Compensation Laws.
This Danish American reporter exposed the plight of the poor in his photo book "How the Other Half Lives".
Who is Jacob Riis?
This act created the National Park Service in 1916.
Act to establish a National Park Service
The 19th Amendment finally gave this group the vote.
What is women?
The US annexed this island group after a coup by the Missionary party.
What is Hawaii?
Puerto Rico, Guam, the Phillipines.
Territories added to the US after the Spanish-American War.
This law made it illegal to mislabel food or drug ingredients, and made it illegal to add "deleterious" ingredients.
Pure Food and Drug Act
This Bureau was created to look into issues concerning children, including work conditions.
The Children's ureau
This African-American journalist risked her life to expose lynching in the South.
Who is Ida B. Wells?
This law was created out of concern that western areas were being looted of Native American artifacts.
The Antiquities Act 1906
This constitution created the income tax, now the government's main source of revenue.
What is the 16th Amendment.
Abuse by the Spanish in this Spanish colony was one of the reasons given for going to war.
What is Cuba
War fought by the US in 1898 to gain colonies.
What is the Spanish-American War
Inspired by Jacob Riis Book "How the Other Half Lives", this law set size requirements for rooms and bathrooms, and mandated more light, airflow, and fire escapes.
The Tenement House Law of 1901.
A law in Oregon limiting women to no more than 10 hours work per day was upheld by the Supreme Court in this case.
What is Muller v. Oregon, 1908
This book by Upton Sinclair exposed unsanitary conditions in the meat packing industry.
What is the Jungle?
President whose outdoor image and love of the wilderness helped propel the issue of conservation.
Who is Teddy Roosevelt.
This law sought to limit the size and scope of corporations, to prevent monopolies like the Standard Oil Company.
WHat is the Sherman Antitrust Act
This American politician and future President lead a volunteer clavary unit in Cuba.
Who is Teddy Roosevelt
Name for sensationalist reporting that supported a war with Spain and is associated with William Randoplh Hearst and Joesph Pulitzer.
What is Yellow Journalism.
This movement lead to the the addition of parks in many cities.
THe City Beautiful Movement
This "settlement house" in Chicago created by Jane Addams provided citizenship classes and daycare to new immigrants.
What is Hull House?
This Muckraker took on Standard Oil and John D. Rockefeller
Who is Ida Tarbell
This act allows a president to set aside land for National Monuments.
What is the Antiquities Act 1906
This amendment was the result of amost a century of effort by the temperance movement, and banned the sale of alcohol.
What is the 18th Amendmen t.
The United States fought a war against insurgents in this island group, after we failed to give them their independence.
What is the Phillipines.
Remember the ______________ , to hell with _____________ .
Maine, Spain.
This tragedy lead to the requirement for industries to conduct fire drills, along with limits on work hours for women.
The Triangle Shirtwaist fire.
This law that limited children to working 8 hours a day, six days a week was found to be unconstitutional by the Supreme Court 2 years later.
Keating Owens Act
Nellie Bly went undercover to expose inhumane conditions where?
In insane Aslyums.
This deeply iconic national park in Arizona was originally protected under the Antiquities Act of 1906 as a national monument.
What is the Grand Canyon.
This Amendment lead to the direct election of Senators to the US Senate.
What is the 17th Amendment.
A book by this author entitled "The Influence of Sea Power Upon History" inspired the United States to seek colonies.
Who is Alfred Mahan Thayer.
President who called for intervening in Latin America through the use of economic development, which he called Dollar Diplomacy.
President Taft