What was the name of Theodore Roosevelt's political plan?
The Square Deal
Which president (Wilson or Taft) established the Federal Act?
Woodrow Wilson
What is the 19th Amendment?
Granted women the right to vote.
This infamous political boss controlled Tammany Hall and became known for his corrupt practices in New York City during the 19th century.
Boss Tweed
Name three muckrakers.
This term refers to Roosevelt’s policy of using government power to regulate and break up monopolies.
Trust - Busting
What was the Payne - Aldrich Tariff Act?
The Payne-Aldrich Tariff Act of 1909 actually raised tariffs on many goods rather than lowering them.
Who is the founder of Hull House?
Jane Addams
How did Boss Tweed use his control over immigrants to maintain political power and influence in New York City?
Boss Tweed controlled immigrants by offering them jobs, food, legal assistance, and other aid in exchange for their votes.
Which muckraker wrote "The Jungle?"
Upton Sinclair
This legislative act, passed in 1906, aimed to regulate the railroad industry by ensuring fair rates and preventing discrimination against small businesses.
Hepburn Act (1906)
Which president (Wilson or Taft) took the side of the businesses?
William Howard Taft
What is the historical context of the 19th Amendment?
The historical context of the 19th Amendment was that women had to fight for their right to vote through decades of activism, protests, and advocacy, facing resistance from those who opposed expanding voting rights.
This muckraker’s work The Shame of the Cities exposed the corruption and bribery of political machines like Tammany Hall.
Lincoln Stephens
This cartoonist used political cartoons to expose corruption, most notably targeting Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall.
Thomas Nast
This famous image of Theodore Roosevelt, where he refuses to shoot a bear during a hunting trip, led to the creation of a popular toy named after him.
Teddy Bear
What was the 17th Amendment?
Direct Election of Senators.
What percentage of the female workforce were office workers and telephone operators by 1920?
Boss Tweed and his political machine were brought down in part by the efforts of this famous cartoonist, who used political cartoons to expose Tweed’s corruption.
Thomas Nast
This photographer and journalist is known for his work How the Other Half Lives, which revealed the poverty and squalor of New York City’s tenements.
Jacob Riis
What were the three sections of Theodore Roosevelt's Square Deal?
Conservation of natural resources, control of corporations, and consumer protection
Which president created the Children's Bureau Act? What was it?
The Children's Bureau Act was signed by President Taft in 1912, creating the Children's Bureau to address child welfare issues like child labor.
What organization did Florence Kelley lead?
National Consumers League (NCL)
Who were the immigrant groups affected by Tammany Hall?
The immigrant groups most affected by Tammany Hall were primarily the Irish, German, and Italian communities
What did Lincoln Stephens expose?
Exposing corruption in city governments and political machines.