American Indian chief, he lead the victory of Little Bighorn
Sitting Bull
Factories could stay open longer, allowing people to work longer hours. Invented by Thomas Edison
electric light bulb
An organization formed by workers to strive for better wages and working conditions
Labor Unions
Overcrowding of cities. Crime rates go up. Disease rates go up. Increased demand for agrictulture
Impact of immigrants on US
Laws designed to enforce segregation of blacks from whites
Jim Crow Laws
BOOM! Free Points!!
A railroad that runs across a continent; in the US this would be from east to west
Transcontinental Railroad
Journalists who attempted to find corruption or wrongdoing in industries and expose it to the public
A national organization of labor unions founded in 1886 by Samuel Gompers
American Federation of Labor (AFL)
Intervening in Latin American countries that could not pay their debt to European creditors.
The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine called for
American Indian chief, he lead the victory of Little Bighorn
Sitting Bull
A steel producing company created by Andrew Carnegie
Carnegie Steel
Exposed the horrible, unsanitary conditions in the meatpacking industry.
The Jungle by Upton Sinclair
Organization that faught to abolish segregation and discrimination and to achieve political and civil rights for African Americans
John D. Rockefeller's company that gained a monopoly over the industry.
Standard Oil
General Custer and his men were wiped out by a coalition of Sioux and Cheyenne Indians led by Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse
Battle of Little Big Horn
What was the effect of the telegraph
Allowed people to communicate within seconds; brought people closer as a nation
What was the impact of How the Other Half Lives
Led to housing codes, garbage service, sewage, water services and better living conditions in urban areas
the port of entry for most Asian immigrants arriving in San Francisco between 1910 and 1940. (mistreated)
Angel Island
Supreme Court decision which legalized segregated public facilities for blacks and whites.
Plessy v. Ferguson
Battle where 300 Sioux men, women, and children were killed by US Calvary.
Wounded Knee Massacre
Increased productivity happened in late 1880s. Majorly impacted Railroad Industry
Steel Industry
Impact of The Jungle
Creation of the FDA and Meat Inspection Act
The entry way for European immigrants arriving in NY, inspected closely for illness and infections.
Ellils Island
Corporations that gain complete control of the production of a single good or service.