What is a muckraker?
Bold investigative journalists and novelists who use their skills to expose corruption and problems in America.
What President created the Square Deal?
What was the Temperance Movement?
The temperance movement was a social and political campaign to reduce or eliminate alcohol consumption. It began in the 19th century and lasted into the early 20th century
What is suffrage?
the right to vote in political elections.
This prominent African American leader advocated for a strategy of self-improvement and vocational training for African Americans, famously outlining his views in the "Atlanta Compromise" speech.
Booker T. Washington
The 1st Progressive president. As president, he passed laws improving the meat industry and went after monopolies.
When a business controls every aspect of an industry. This causes a lack of competition and raises prices for consumers
A less expensive and easier way to make steel. It increased production and lowered the price of steel in the US dramatically. Allowed skyscrapers to be built.
Bessemer Process
A negative condition that encourages a person's decision to move somewhere else.
push factor
Why were people referred to as muckrakers?
It refers to the process of raking out the unpleasant "muck" of corruption, poverty and injustice to the surfaces for all to see.
The Pure Food and Drug Act
What social issue did Temperance advocates often link to alcohol abuse, arguing that prohibition would improve family life?
Domestic Violence
What was the first state to give women the right to vote? Wyoming Territory gave women the right to vote in all elections in 186
Wyoming Territory gave women the right to vote in all elections in 1869
Which prestigious institution was founded by Booker T. Washington to promote vocational education for African Americans?
The Tuskegee Institute
What did John Spargo's book expose?
The horrifying scenes of child labor
This businessman was involved in shipping and railroads. He helped build a University in Nashville TN
Cornelius Vanderbilt
Alexander Graham Bell created what communication device?
Powerful organizations that focuses on maintaining power; sometimes through illegal activity and other under the table methods. Bribes government officials.
Political Machines
What did Ida Tarbell expose?
The corrupt tactics used by Standard Oil company to monopolize the oil industry.
What is the name of the muckraker who influenced the passing of the Meat Inspection Act of 1906, which made sure that meat was thoroughly inspected before reaching consumers?
Upton Sinclair
True or False, the Temperance Movement led to the ratification of the 18th amendment?
Where was the first women's rights convention in the U.S.?
When was the first women's rights convention in the U.S.? The first women's rights convention in the U.S. was held in Seneca Falls, NY in 1848
Who believed in immediate full political, civil, and social rights for African Americans?
Whose work led the Tentament Housing Act of 1901?
Jacob Riis
He is recognized as the first millionaire controlled the banking industry and funded many of the businesses of the Industrial age.
J.P. Morgan
Who built an airplane?
Wright Brothers (Wilbur and Orville)
Community centers located in the slums and near tenements that gave aid to the poor, especially immigrants.
Settlement Houses
What muckraker exposed the horrendous conditions of the immigrants and underprivileged Americans in his book titled, "How the Other Hald Lives."
When the Hepburn Act of 1906 was first created, what industry was it to regulate?
Which state was the first to create a law surrounding the work of the Temperance Movement?
Alice Paul and Lucy Burns led the NWP, which was formed in 1913.
Who founded the NAACP?
The _____ anti-trust act was an attempt to break up monopolies, but the language was too vague to enforce.
Cornelius Vanderbilt made his fortune in...
This person made manufacturing more efficient with the moving assembly line.
Henry Ford
Promontory Point was--
The place where the eastern and western parts of the Transcontinental Railroad met, linking both coasts of the United States for the first time
Ida B. Wells
The Elkin Act prohibited railroads from offering what?
Which leader of the temperance movement was well known for carrying an axe and threatening opposition to their cause?
Carry Nation
When was the Nineteenth Amendment ratified, which gave women the right to vote?
Tennessee ratified the Nineteenth Amendment on August 18, 1920, making it part of the U.S. Constitution
According to Booker T. Washington, what would help African Americans gain equality?
Learning vocational skills
This event claimed the lives of 146 people and forced companies to make working conditions safer.
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
Laissez-faire means...
Let it happen
This person created an elevator that helped with the building of skyscrapers?
Elisha Otis
Nativism was —
An anti-immigrant movement during a period of high immigration in the late 19th