This devastating 1911 tragedy, in which 146 workers—mostly young immigrant women—died due to locked doors and unsafe conditions, led to a wave of workplace safety reforms.
What is the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire?
This Progressive Era reform allowed voters, rather than party leaders, to select candidates for elections, giving people more power in the political process.
What are direct primaries?
This amendment outlawed alcohol and was supported primarily by rural reformers who aimed to improve society and politics by strengthening morality.
What is the 18th Amendment.
Born into slavery, this Progressive Era leader founded the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama to teach African Americans the trades and skills necessary to earn a living as freedmen and women.
Who is Booker T Washington?
These were the five main goals of Progressivism
What are improving social welfare, promoting moral change, reforming the economy, increasing efficiency, and protecting the environment?
This organization argued that women needed special protection from long work hours. Its labor reforms ultimately restricted women's from physically demanding but higher-paying jobs in industries like mining and factory work.
What is the National Consumers’ League?
During the Progressive Era, reformers advocated for this type of ownership over utilities like water, electricity, and public transportation to reduce corruption, lower costs, and ensure fair access for all citizens.
What is public ownership?
Passed in 1920 after more than 100 years of activism, Alice Paul and Carrie Chapman Catt were key leaders in the final push to pass this amendment.
What is the 19th Amendment.
These Progressive Era reformers worked to improve social welfare by founding settlement houses, advocating for child labor laws, and pushing for better working conditions for women and children.
Who are Jane Addams and Florence Kelley?
These journalists exposed corruption, unsafe working conditions, and social injustices, playing a key role in sparking Progressive Era reforms.
Who are the muckrakers?
This president intervened in the 1902 Coal Miners' Strike, requiring owners to negotiate with workers, marking a shift in the government's role in labor conflicts.
Who is Theodore Roosevelt?
This 1914 law strengthened the Sherman Antitrust Act by outlawing monopolistic business practices like price-fixing, while also excluding labor unions from being considered illegal trusts.
What is the Clayton Antitrust Act?
This amendment created a federal income tax, initially targeting the wealthiest Americans, to help reduce wealth inequality and reliance on tariffs.
What is the 16th Amendment.
This Progressive Era reform aimed to provide all children with an education, making school attendance mandatory to ensure better opportunities and reduce child labor.
What is compulsory public eductation?
These are the three progressive era presidents in chronological order.
Who are Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909), William Howard Taft (1909-1913), and Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921)?
These two Acts were the result of Upton Sinclair's 1906 novel The Jungle which exposed unsanitary conditions and labor abuse in the meatpacking industry.
What are the "Meat Inspection Act" and the "Pure Food and Drug Act?"
President Roosevelt persuaded congress to pass this act in 1906 that gave the Interstate Commerce Commission the authority to set maximum railroad rates and regulate practices that exploited consumers.
What is the Hepburn Act?
Prior to the 17th Amendment, this was how senators were elected to the US Senate.
What is by the state legislatures.
Who most likely is the speaker of the following quote: "Woman must have her freedom, the fundamental freedom of choosing whether or not she will be a mother and how many children she will have."
Who is Margaret Sanger?
As part of Progressive Era reforms, this movement focused on preserving natural resources and protecting public lands, with Theodore Roosevelt playing a key role in expanding national parks and forests.
What is conservation?
While Progressive Era reforms tried to fix problems caused by industrial capitalism, this group wanted workers to control factories and resources, ending the divide between the rich and working classes.
Who are Marxists or communists?
These activists pushed for more extensive reforms like workers' compensation and minimum wage laws, that were later adopted by Republican-led governments during the Progressive Era.
These are the four progressive era amendments.
What is the 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th amendments?
two points of extra credit if your group can name what each amendment does.
Founded by WEB Du Bois in 1909 in response to racial violence and discrimination, this civil rights organization sought to advance justice for African Americans through legal challenges, advocacy, and public education.
What is the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)?
The three progressive reforms Theodore Roosevelt implemented, often called the 3 Cs, are considered the backbone of Progressive Era reforms.
What are conservation, control of corporations, and consumer protection?