Progressive Presidents
Big Business
Women's suffrage
A sweatshop is what?
Crowded and dangerous workshops
Who was the next President after Roosevelt?
William Howard Taft
Why were muckrakers important?
Muckrakers exposed the illegal or dangerous activities of businesses
What are suffragists?
People who fought for the women’s right to vote in the United States.
What is a strikebreaker?
People who worked during a strike
What is a monopoly?
When you gain total control of an industry
What is the square deal that Roosevelt ran the 1904 election under?
Equal treatment for all, Government Regulation of Business
What is a Labor Union?
People who represent workers in certain crafts or trades
What is Prohibition?
Laws that would ban the making or selling of alcohol
What year was the 19th amendment passed and what did it do?
It gave the right to vote to women and was passed in 1920
Name several Factors of Production that led to the U.S emergence as an industrial Power?
Country had many natural Resources, Many workers willing to work, Capital to finance factories
Why was Theodore Roosevelt made vice president of the United States?
So he could not break up monopolies or trusts.
What is an Oligopoly?
A group of businesses in the same industry that work together to set prices high so everyone makes money.
How did women’s’ roles change in the early 1900’s?
Women started going to school and having careers of their own.
What happened during the triangle fire?
Women were locked in a room to work and were not let out until the end of the day. A fire erupted in the room killing nearly 150 of them.
Carnegie took over the steel industry through a method known as? Explain your answer
Vertical Integration bought all parts of the business of buying, making, and selling steel
Why was Roosevelt upset with Taft after his first term?
Taft changed many of Roosevelt’s policies that regulated big business and helped factory workers
What is the Spoils System and why was it a bad practice for the political system?
Where you reward supporters of your campaign with jobs in the government. These people often were not qualified for these jobs.
Describe some ways women tried to get prohibition passed.
Carrie Nation would bring an ax into bars and get break all alcohol bottles and kegs that she could find. Other women would stand outside of the bar and try and make bar goers feel bad about drinking.
How did Roosevelt end the 1902 coal strike and what was the result?
Invited both the Union and owners to the white house to negotiate terms. Threatened to use the military to work the mine
John D. Rockefeller used many methods to make a monopoly, what was the main method that he used to control his industry? Explain your answer
Horizontal integration, combining or controlling all companies at one level
Why did Theodore Roosevelt not want to break up so-called “good” monopolies?
Good Trusts were used to regulate certain businesses that would help out normal people. These had to have fair prices for all customers using the service.
What are Political Machines and why were people so upset with people associated with them?
Powerful organizations that linked to political parties. These machines controlled government and used tax payer money to pay for things that were important to them.
Why were some men and women opposed to women getting the right to vote?
People were worried that women would begin to neglect their children. Also people were worried that if women gained the right to vote the natural balance of things would be destroyed. Men were also worried about losing power in the United States.
Name some groups that were excluded from social and political reforms and explain why they were excluded.
Catholics, Jewish Americans, Asians, African Americans