Which leader of the anti-saloon league successfully was able to get the 18th amendment passed?
Wayne Wheeler
Time that is free from work or duties.
KDKA in Pittsburgh was the first ever station to be broadcast commercially over one of these, which became widespread in the 1920s.
Unfortunately, the great stock market crash of this year would eventually lead to hard times and in a few years the Great Depression.
The American film industry became increasingly popular in the 1920s with which location as its center?
Which famous abolitionist woman grew fame by "smashing" across Kansas and destroying saloons as a member of the Women's Christian Temperance Union?
Carrie A. Nation
Illegal Taverns that served liquor.
By the end of the 1920s America was producing 85% of the planets ______ due largely to Henry Ford's assembly line ideas.
Borrowing money in order to buy stocks is called...
Buying on margin
An economic and political system in which the state owns the means of production and a single party rules is known as...
Which American became famous for being the first person to fly nonstop across the Atlantic Ocean in 1927?
Charles Lindbergh
People who oppose all organized government
What was the result of the Supreme Court case "Near vs. Minnesota?"
Newspapers were allowed to have the freedom to express opinions that the government might not like.
Buying on credit is known as...
Installment buying
In the 1920s this infamous group claimed over 3 million members who denounced immigrants, Jews, Catholics, African Americans and other groups including through lynching many African Americans.
Ku Klux Klan
What was the name of the notorious Chicago mobster who gained power through bribes, murder, and bootlegging only to go to jail for tax fraud?
Al Capone
The period from 1920 to 1933, when the manufacture and sale of alcohol was illegal.
Music that combined rhythms from West Africa and the Caribbean, work chants and spirituals from the rural South, and harmonies from Europe into an original new style.
A period of rising stock prices.
Bull Market
Which famous Red Sox and Yankees baseball player (nick-named the Bambino) became a legend during the 1920s as "celebrity" became a new phenomena in America?
Babe Ruth
A person who makes or sells illegal alcohol.
Which northern U.S. city became known for African American rights and the "Black Renaissance" during the 1920's.
A period of falling stock prices.
Bear Market
This famous Minnesotan wrote "The Great Gatsby" during a change in American Literature.
F. Scott Fitzgerald