When a customer wants to combine their loan splits, what form do they need to fill out?
Simple Loan Variation Form
What does the 1 - 3 rating's mean in my evaluations?
1 - Developing, 2 - Meets & 3 - Exceeds
What is a great way you can close a call in December?
Include "happy holidays" in your close
Who do you need to include in your segments email?
RTM Analyst (Dejan), Segment Approver (Lead, Coverage)
When a customer is unhappy or unable to make contact with their broker, what should you do?
What form does a customer require to turn off/deactivate their redraw facility?
No form, we can deactivate the facility with a verified customers instruction. We require a wet signed form from all borrowers on the account when the request is to reactivate.
How can you display Effective Questioning on a call?
Reconfirm if your customer needed your support with any additional enquiries before proceeding with verification
How can you personalise your call?
Use your customers name as much as you can.
What status do you put in softphone when Holo becomes unresponsive on call?
System Issues
What is Darsh's favourite line to take?
All of the above.
What is Victa's Favourite Form? (Bonus Double Points if you can guess why)
The Loan Variation Form, because it has 32 pages and we do not have to deal with it.
What Does FCR stand for?
First Call Resolution
Whats a great way to make your customer feel heard and understood?
Reconfirm their request back to them but in your own words.
What status do you put in softphone when going downstairs to get a sandwich and call your football coach?
Can we prepare a call back request to our borrower's sons mobile?
No we can only prepare a call back request with details connected to our customer's account.
Can we send an unencrypted form to a customer?
Who can you speak to in regards to your evaluation?
Your Lead, your Coverage, your QA Analyst, even your Colleagues
What is Actively Listening?
physical verbal nods to indicate listening. effective, open-ended question used add context to call. Paraphrasing being used to clarify understanding with customer.
What status do you put in softphone when you have just wrapped up a call with a Failed ID with a suspected fraudulent customer?
What name can you give a customer when they ask for the account name to their loan?
Pool History Name.
What documents do we require for funds to be released in regards to a Section 27?
Executed Contract of Sale
Wet Signed Discharge form
Letter from the solicitor requesting the section 27
What checks should be completed prior to transferring a customer over to AMR for a rate review?
- Check if customer has outstanding RR request
- Check if customer has had request completed in last 6 - 9 months (via JS or rate screen in Holo), if so advise that review will not see any benefit has one has only recently been completed
What is the most important element to include to make your Close sound professional?
Your Business Unit
"Thanks for calling Customer Care, i hope you have a great rest of your holiday season."
What is the minimum amount of time that your system has to be unresponsive for in order to go into system issues?
5 minutes