True or false
Make question

Brazil is _____  (big) than England.

Brazil is bigger than England.


The Isle of Man is an ______ (sdilna) between England and Ireland.

The Isle of Man is an island between England and Ireland.


Loch Ness is aloch in the Scottish Highlands southwest of Inverness. It is about 37 kilometres (23 miles) long and it's flowing from southwest to northeast. At 56 km2, it is the second-largest Scottish loch by surface area after Loch Lomond, but due to its great depth it is the largest by volume in the British Isles. Its deepest point is 230 metres.

The Loch Ness is 37 kilometres long.

 It is about 37 kilometres (23 miles) long and it's flowing from southwest to northeast. 



How lake? this wide is

How wide is this lake?


Why is the dog barking at himself?

He thought that it is another dog.


Make the sentence with "going to"

I / not / play football / on Monday

I am not going to play football on Monday.


What kind of film is shown in the picture?



I don't like ______ because I hate it when people start singing in the middle of a film.

The missing word is horror films. True or false?

I don't like musical because I hate it when people start singing in the middle of a film.

It was false.


are to at do going weekend? What the you

What are you going to do at the weekend?


Why did the lion jump into the lake?

Because he was thinking that another lion from the lake is roaring at him so he was scared and jumped into the water.


Use past simple

  1. She ______  (be) rich.
  2. My dad ______  ( not walk) to work.
  3. We _______  (go) to the cinema.

  1. She was  (be) rich.
  2. My dad didn't walk  ( not walk) to work.
  3. We went  (go) to the cinema.


Choose the correct word.

1. My uncle went/left/stopped home when he was sixteen.

2. My friend Claire has two sisters. But she is the older/eldest/old.

3. He's a known/famous/boring sportsman, but no one likes him.

1. My uncle left home when he was sixteen.

2. My friend Claire has two sisters. But she is the eldest.

3. He's a famous sportsman, but no one likes him.


Amanda turns on her computer and opens her e-mail. She has a new message. She smiles. It is from Tall_and_Handsome34, a man Amanda met on, an online dating website. She really hopes to find a new love, and Tall_and_Handsome34 could be the right man for her!

Amanda reads the e-mail. Tall_and_Handsome34 asks Amanda if she would like to meet in person on Friday. He tells her his real name is Mike.

Amanda considers meeting Mike. She only chats with Mike on the computer, but she really likes him. He is smart and funny. They are the same age, share many interests, and live in the same city. She does not know what he looks like, but she enjoys the mystery of a blind date.

Amanda hasn't seen yet the men who is she going on the date with. Tru or false?

She does not know what he looks like, but she enjoys the mystery of a blind date. 

It was true.


1. they/ early/ from/ did/ school/ back/ come

2. party/ house/ was/ how/ a/ their/ at 

3. night/ she/ at/ was/ last/ home

1. Did they come back early from school?

2. How was a party at their house?  

3. Was she at home last night?


Why was the mother disappointed?

Because she though her daughter won't give her any apple.


1. Someone's ringing the door bell.

2.Jack isn't at home at the moment.

3.The game starts at three o'clock.

4. Are you doing your homework?

A I'll answer it.

B I'll se you there at 2.30.

C No. I'll do it in a minute.

D Ok. I'll phone again later.

1 A

2 D

3 B

4 C


1. This is a place in space. People can work here.


2. These machines help us do our work.


3. Tlevision stations use these.


4. This person travels in space.


1. a space station

2. robots

3. satelite

4. astronaut


Eve is excited to go to her first Dylan Wyman concert in New York. Dylan Wyman is Eve's favorite singer. In fact, Eve tells her mother Jeannine, Dylan Wyman is her favorite person!

When they are about halfway to New York, Jeannine hears a weird noise. "Oh no," she says, realizing that they have a flat tire.

There isn't much room on the side of the road, but Jeannine pulls the car over and climbs out. Sure enough, their right rear tire is completely flat.

Eve and Jeannine didn't have any problems by their trip. True or false?

Sure enough, their right rear tire is completely flat. 

It was false.


1. Will need they food? 

2. stay? Where will you 

3. water? for will look Who 

4. you my be friend? Will

1. Will they need food?

2. Where will you stay?

3. Who will look for water?

4. Will you be my friend?


What was the benefit for that fish being small?

It could escape from the net.


Use past simple or continuous

  1. While we (play)in the park, there (be) an explosion.
  2. When Tom (see) the eruption, he (run)to the town.
  3. While I (cycle)in the country, I (see) some lightning.
  1. While we were playing in the park, there was an explosion.
  2. When Tom saw the eruption, he was running to the town.
  3. While I was cycling in the country, I saw some lightning.

What natural disaster is shown in the picture? 

an earthquake


Donna and her husband John go to the beach every Saturday in the summer. Today is no exception. Donna packs a picnic lunch. She packs the beach umbrella and sun lotion.

She cannot find their beach towels. Donna always loses things. The towels are not in the laundry basket or dryer. They are not in the closet, either. She finally looks in her beach bag. She sees the towels folded in the bottom. Of course, the beach towels are exactly where they should be. 

Donna and her husband usually go to the beach Saturdays. Tru or false?

Donna and her husband John go to the beach every Saturday in the summer.

It was true.


1. park/ were/ doing/ what/ in/ they/ park/ the

2. you/ were/ putting/ your/ on/ uniform

3. were/ what/ ducks/ doing/ the

4. getting/ they/ school/ were/ ready/ for

5. sending/ a/ was/ he/ letter

1. What were they doing in the park? 

2. Were you putting on your uniform?

3. What were the ducks doing? 

4. Were they getting ready for school? 

5. Was he sending a letter.


How would you "thank" for a bad present? shouldn't have.

What an unusual gift!

Thanks for the thought.

I.... don't know what to say?!
