When you are first meeting a patient for an appointment all healthcare workers should do this?
What is hand hygiene (washing hands/sanitizing)?
This part of the physical exam includes temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, SpO2, and respiratory rate.
What are the vitals?
This person specializes in treating children.
What is a pediatrician?
The winners of the 2025 Superbowl.
Who are the Philadelphia Eagles?
A patient tells you "My dad has high blood pressure and diabetes but my mom has no issues." Which section of the history taking does this go under?
What is the family history?
When checking someone's blood pressure manually you listen to this artery.
What is the brachial artery?
A doctor who specializes in the heart and blood vessels.
What is a cardiologist?
This organ's job is to filter waste from your body and excrete it in urine. Also helps to maintain your blood pressure.
What are the kidneys?
What does the "L" represent in Little Quick Questions To Settle My Anxiety Completely?
What is Location
A patient should have not have had caffeine or food for this duration before having their blood pressure check.
What is 30 minutes?
A doctor that specializes in cancers.
What is an oncologist?
This anime about a pirate crew braving the seas has been on since 1999 and has over 1000 episodes.
What is One Piece?
This part of the patient interview is the patient's main concern. Formerly known as the Chief Complaint.
What is the "Reason for Visit"?
This word is defined as listening to heart, lungs, or other organs typically with a stethoscope.
What is auscultate?
A doctor that specializes in the brain and nervous system.
What is a neurologist?
This part of the body makes most of the components of blood including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets?
What is the bone marrow?
After the patient interview, most patients will have this list in their head thinking of all the possibilities that could be going on with this patient.
What is a differential diagnosis?
When listening to lung sounds you hear decreased sounds and possibly rales. You think there is consolidation there and think the patient may have this diagnosis.
What is pneumonia?
(Will also except other answers if reasonable)
This doctor would be called on to help treat a patient diagnosed with diabetes.
What is an endocrinologist?
The time a person will take in between their education for any reason. Popularly looked at as a time to gain experience "in the real world".
What is/are gap year(s)?