Vape/ Cigarettes
Prescription Pain Killers/ Herion

True or False: When someone drinks alcohol, it only affects their coordination.

False. It affects much more than a person's coordination. It can also affect their judgment, reasoning, decision-making skills, and other areas of their life.


List 3 consequence of using marijuana for a long time

Addiction, Dependence, loss of interest in activities except drug use; possible damage to lungs, immune system and reproductive system, mental health issues, trouble with law enforcement, parents, employment, school, risk of other drugs, etc.


True or False: vape/ e-cigarette devices do not contain nicotine.

False, any kind of electronic nicotine delivery system device such as vapes or e-cigarettes do contain nicotine.


What are pain killers and name at least one example.

Prescription pain killers are prescribed from a medical doctor and are classified as Opioids. They are pain relieving drugs that prevent your body from experiencing pain. However, many people can get easily addicted to these drugs. Examples are Oxycontin, Vicodin, Codeine, Morphine, Fentanyl, Percocet.


What does "Dependence" mean?

When an individual consumes a drug over time and starts needing to consume that same drug or another drug to fell normal.


What is the legal age to buy alcohol?



If you go to school "high" on marijuana, there is a good possibility you will forget which of the following: (a) your birth date or (b) the answers to a history test.

(b) the answers to a history test. Marijuana use interferes with your learning, problem solving and short-term memory.


What is the legal age to purchase an vape, e-cigarette, and or traditional cigarettes?



What is one of the deadliest opioids that we talked about in class?



What does "Addiction" mean?

When an individual is consuming drugs on a day to day basis and this starts affecting their everyday life whether it be socially, academically, personally, professionally/ career, etc.


Myth or Fact: Drinking black coffee and a cold shower can sober up someone quickly.

Myth. Only time sobers you up. The liver needs one hour to burn up one ounce of pure alcohol (the amount contained in a can of beer, glass of wine, or mixed drink).


Myth or fact: Marijuana makes your problems go away (trouble with parents, school, or friends).

This is a Myth!

You may feel you have escaped your problems by getting high, but when the marijuana wears off, the problems are still there and they did not go away.


What are some health concerns and risks that are associated with vapes and cigarette use over a long period of time?

Breathing issues, addictions, cancers (esophagus, lung, throat), death, heart attack, respiratory issues, etc.


What are some of the biggest concerns for individuals who use heroin or opioids?

overdose and death


What are 3 different ways to say "no" to substances or drugs?

1. Say "No"

2. Give A Reason/ Alternative

3. Stand up to Pressure/ Walk Away


What are some health concerns or issues someone may face later in life as a heavy or addicted drinker?

liver disease, kidney disease, organ failure, addiction, memory loss, impaired judgement, brain damage, cancers (throat, pancreas, liver, kidney)c


Myth or Fact: Since marijuana is "natural", it is much safer than other drugs.

This is a Myth!

Many "natural" substances also have toxic properties (poisonous mushrooms, mistletoe, tobacco). 


What are some benefits of not using vapes/ cigarettes?

Longevity of life span, not at risk for health risks and diseases/ infections, finances, personal life, legal, healthier lifestyle, etc.


True or False: Heroin is legal just like prescription pain killer medications from a medical doctor.

False. Heroin is an illegal substance/drug that is trafficked into many countries.


List 4 reasons why teens use drugs or substances

friends, to look cool, they think their problems will go away, pressures, etc.


Do you think that when a pregnant women drinks alcohol, her baby is also consuming the alcohol as well?

Yes. Babies born to mother who frequently drink during their pregnancy have low birth weights and can have fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) or other major cases of mental retardation (behavior or their development is behind or impaired). Children in families with alcoholic parents are 3 to 5 times more likely to become alcoholics themselves however this does not mean that all children do or will become alcoholics.


How long can marijuana stay in the body after being smoked?

Up to a month. This can be detected from bodily fluids and drug tests.


What is second hand smoking?

When another individual is around another individual smoking and he/ she inhales the smoke being breathed out.


Myth or Fact: Prescription pain killers are less addictive than heroin.


A person can become addicted to painkillers just as easily as they can to heroin.


What advise would you give a teen who wants to seek substance use disorder treatment or recovery services.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

You will have 3 minutes to come up with an answer in your group.
