Students earn these for demonstrating the 3 Personal Standards.
What are Literacy Awards?
This strategy is used to provide content information for a unit by unveiling an image in front of students.
What is the Pictorial Input Chart?
Tunes and repeated language give opportunities to rehearse language in a low anxiety way
What are chants?
Teams work together to write a scaffolded paragraph.
What is the Cooperative Strip Paragraph?
It is best when it is timely, specific, and valuable.
What is feedback?
Students learn word study skills
that relate to key vocabulary
for a unit.
What is a Cognitive Content Dictionary, CCD?
Vocabulary becomes comprehensible when learned in a story format.
What is a Narrative Input Chart?
It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words, these get students talking!
What are Picture File Cards?
Students make connections and record information and/or questions to develop metacognition.
What is a Learning Log?
A tool to provide specific criteria for an assessment or assignment.
What is a rubric?
A respectful way to request an end to discussions.
What is the Zero Noise Signal?
This strategy uses word cards and conversation bubbles.
What is revisiting a Narrative Input Chart?
A fun way to learn sentence structure and parts of speech!
What is a Sentence Patterning Chart?
This graphic organizer scaffolds summarizing or retelling!
What is a Story Map?
An opportunity to practice answering and asking test type questions.
What is Graffiti Wall?
This strategy encourages students to make good decisions, show respect, and solve problems.
What are 3 Personal Standards?
Scaffolds can be based on students’ language levels.
What is ELD Review with Leveled Questioning?
This graphic organizer supports teams in demonstrating teamwork skills.
What is the T-Graph for Social Skills?
This assessment records students’ understanding of content and development of language.
What is the ELD Group Frame?
An engaging way to review and assess content.
What are games, Jeopardy?
Students develop metacognition when they are given frequent opportunities to process information orally.
What is 10/2?
We use this when we want to highlight similarities and differences.
What is a Comparative Pictorial Input Chart?
These are recorded when teams demonstrate and articulate desired social skills.
What are Team Points?
This hands-on strategy gives students an opportunity to play with language.
What is Sentence Building?
A strategy for allowing students to expand their own learning.
What is Personal Exploration?