During the project defining phase...
the idea for the project is formalized into a project proposal and the decision on whether the project will be selected for implementation is made.
Assessing inputs in project charter and knows a lot about projects
expert judgement
The project executing phase involves...
completing the work required to achieve the project outcomes
what is a good source for scholarship information ?
counseling offices.
what is A narrative description of products or services.
project statement of work
A binding agreement that obligates the seller to provide and the buyer to pay.
It is in the executing phase that...
work is completed on the project outcomes.
Identification of a defect with plans to either replace or fix it.
Defect Repair
If a project is selected for implementation, the project information is written info formal document called the...
Project charter
Provides the necessary information from a business standpoint to determine whether or not the project is work the required investment.
Business case
Project outcomes can be.
tangible products such as buildings or training manuals, or intangible products such as websites, or events.
A group of stake holders that review proposed project changes.
Change Control Board
The level of detail documented in the project planning phase can be...
aligned with project complexity and must be sufficient so stakeholders are satisfied that the project outcomes will be achieved and so the project team understands the work that needs to be completed.
The actual detailed description of the work required.
WBS Dictionary
The project planning phase is completed...
when the scope, budget and schedule are approved by the customer and the project team
Uncontrolled changes in a project's scope.
Scope Creep
Project details are often described in...
the work breakdown structure, which comes in the project planning phase
Uncontrolled changes in a project's scope.
Scope creep
During the project closing phase...
the customer may identify items that need to be corrected, which can require the team to re-plan parts of the project and then execute revised activities
Adding additional features not in scope.
Gold Plating