What is the strongest E.G.O weapon in Lobotomy Corporation?
Paradise Lost
What is the conditional for Boundary of Death to gain +45 power?
Natural 4
What is Demian's signature line?
oil up
What's the name of that little girl who wields a large spoon as her E.G.O weapon?
How many holes does a polo have.
Who were the original 3 of Lobotomy Corp?
Ayin | Benjamin | Carmen
Where did Roland take Angelica out to eat for their first date?
Dong-Hwan's pub.
What's the name of those two lesbians from K-Corp during Canto 4; The Unchanging?
1.5x Bonus Points: Tell me how they died.
Shrenne & Ran
Shrenne was killed by a Shi Assoc. assassin.
Ran killed herself by detonating her own robot to prevent K-Corp from torturing her.
What is the name of that annoying fuckass little girl abnormality?
(Hint: It's an Abnormality featured in a certain coffee loving librarian's floor...)
The Road Home
Turn into Q-Door for the remainder of the game.
(Change your name & profile picture)
Choose someone to turn into Evil Q-Door for 100 bonus points.
Tell me all the real names of the sephiriah.
Elijah, Gabriel, Giovanni, Michelle, Lisa, Enoch, Daniel, Kali, Benjamin, Garrion.
What does Roland tell Argalia after piercing through him with Allas Workshop?
"Should've behaved like the lunatic you always were until the very end."
What is Limbus Company's first truly "unique" counter?
N-Corp Meursault's NEGATIVE COIN counter.
What are the two ALEPH level aberrations that are inside of the Lobotomy Corp. branch that Catt, Tai, and Rose visit?
(apologies if i got the characters who visited wrong)
Titiana - Aberration of Fairy Festival
Nobody Is - Aberration of Nothing There
TRUE OR FALSE: On HamHamPangPang's real life menu, they sold a White Night pie.
How do you cheese Gebura's suppression "The Red Mist Makes her Return."?
Sit in the Shelter from the 27th of March while Blue Star / White Night / Nothing There deal with her.
What are the names of the 2 men who wandered into the forest and got assimilated into the 8 o'Clock Circus, and what led into them getting into this situation?
Noah and Emma.
They went out for a walk after Noah made a mistake while working.
What difference in Offense Level grants clash power?
What is the name of Catt's distortion?
A Party Everlasting
(sorry if this isnt even a real thing i stole it from epic limbus rp game's quiz)
From what Mili song does the line "Dressed up in the gutter I am snow white, sopping wet, swallowing spikes-" come from?
Paper Bouquet, 2:12
Red does HP damage as it is Physical Damage, White does SP damage as it is Mental Damage, Pale does % damage as it touches the soul, and Black damage does HP & SP damage. So tell me, what is black damage?
"Central Command researches have small descriptions for each bullet and refers to RED as "physical", WHITE as "trauma", and BLACK as "erosion"."
How does one gain the battle symbol, "Blood-red Night"?
Defeat Elena using Tomerry's combat pages.
Name every Meursault ID and E.G.O.
IDs: LCB, Liu, Rosespanner, Middle, Dead Rabbits Boss, W-Corp, N-Corp, R-Corp, Blade Lineage, Dieci, Cinq.
E.G.O: Chains of Others, Screwloose Wallop, Regret, Electric Screaming, Pursuance, Capote, Yearning Mircalla.
What specific Lobotomy Corp. branch does Wonderlab take place in?
Branch O-5681 of Lobotomy Corp.
Tell me the value of E.
2.71 8281 8284 5904 5235 3602 8747 1352 6624 9775 7247 0936 9995 9574 9669 6762.