Comment dit on "Maman"?
Mum ou mummy
Conjugue "Be" avec "I"
I am
Hello, my name is Matt Lemanski. I am the creator of Speaking of English, a blog for intermediate English learners who want to become more fluent in the language. I am originally from the United States and I currently live in Germany. I have been a teacher since 2008, and specialize in business writing and IELTS preparation. Before becoming a teacher, I worked as a copyeditor for government agencies in Washington DC and as a ghostwriter for startup founders and independent consultants around the world. In my free time, I enjoy hiking, practicing photography, and exploring the city by bike.
Comment s'appelle la personne?
Matt Lemanski
Traduis cette phrase:
Je m'appelle Henry et je vis à Londres.
My name is Henry and I live in London.
Comment dit-on "J'ai faim!"?
I'm hungry!
Conjugue "Have" avec "He"
He has
Hello, my name is Matt Lemanski. I am the creator of Speaking of English, a blog for intermediate English learners who want to become more fluent in the language. I am originally from the United States and I currently live in Germany. I have been a teacher since 2008, and specialize in business writing and IELTS preparation. Before becoming a teacher, I worked as a copyeditor for government agencies in Washington DC and as a ghostwriter for startup founders and independent consultants around the world. In my free time, I enjoy hiking, practicing photography, and exploring the city by bike.
Quelle est la nationalité de l'auteur?
Il est américain.
Traduis cette phrase:
Elle a douze ans.
She is twelve.
She is twelve years old.
Comment dit-on "bonjour" le soir?
Good evening!
Conjugue "Walk" avec "they"
They walk
Comment s'appelle la professeure de Peter et de la jeune fille?
Miss Taylor
Hello, my name is Matt Lemanski. I am the creator of Speaking of English, a blog for intermediate English learners who want to become more fluent in the language. I am originally from the United States and I currently live in Germany. I have been a teacher since 2008, and specialize in business writing and IELTS preparation. Before becoming a teacher, I worked as a copyeditor for government agencies in Washington DC and as a ghostwriter for startup founders and independent consultants around the world. In my free time, I enjoy hiking, practicing photography, and exploring the city by bike.
Où vit l'auteur?
En Allemagne
Traduis cette phrase:
Il aime le chocolat mais il déteste les hamburgers.
He likes chocolate but he hates hamburgers.
Quel mot veut dire "Frères ET soeurs"?
Conjugue "watch" avec "she"
She watches
Dans quelle salle est la professeure de Peter et de la jeune fille?
Dans la salle 203
Hello, my name is Matt Lemanski. I am the creator of Speaking of English, a blog for intermediate English learners who want to become more fluent in the language. I am originally from the United States and I currently live in Germany. I have been a teacher since 2008, and specialize in business writing and IELTS preparation. Before becoming a teacher, I worked as a copyeditor for government agencies in Washington DC and as a ghostwriter for startup founders and independent consultants around the world. In my free time, I enjoy hiking, practicing photography, and exploring the city by bike.
Que fait l'auteur dans la vie?
Il est enseignant.
Traduis cette phrase:
Je viens d'Angleterre mais je vis au Canada.
I come from England but I live in Canada.
Quel mot veut dire "Grand-mère" dans le sud des Etats-Unis?
Transforme cette phrase en y ajoutant be-ing à la forme affirmative:
I go to school
I am going to school.
Quel est le nom de la personne que Peter et la jeune fille ont confondu avec leur professeur?
Miss Smith
Hello, my name is Matt Lemanski. I am the creator of Speaking of English, a blog for intermediate English learners who want to become more fluent in the language. I am originally from the United States and I currently live in Germany. I have been a teacher since 2008, and specialize in business writing and IELTS preparation. Before becoming a teacher, I worked as a copyeditor for government agencies in Washington DC and as a ghostwriter for startup founders and independent consultants around the world. In my free time, I enjoy hiking, practicing photography, and exploring the city by bike.
Comment l'auteur aime-t-il découvrir les villes?
En vélo
Traduis cette phrase:
Elle vient d'Australie et elle vit à Melbourne.
She comes from Australia and she lives in Melbourne.