launched at an angle
horizontal launch
Wild card
The angle a projectile will fly the highest
What is 90 degrees?
The final horizontal velocity of an object launched at 25 m/s
What is 25 m/s?
Two stones are thrown off a cliff horizontally, one at 10 m/s and one at 20 m/s, which will land first
What is neither or both?

In the absence of all air resistance what will fall faster a feather or a bowling ball?

They will fall at the same rate.

This is the angle that the projectile travels the farthest.
What is 45 degrees?

What is the acceleration in the y direction of all projectile problems

What is -9.81 m/s^2?

A ball is thrown horizontally at a speed of 24 m/s from the top of a cliff. If the ball hits the ground 4 s later, how high is the cliff
What is 78m?

What is often the process for motion in 2D, for example what are we usually solving for?

Find the time and cross it to the other side to solve the problem.

This is the horizontal component of the initial velocity of a baseball is thrown at an angle of 40 degrees above the horizontal.
What is 15.7 m/s?

This is acceleration in the x direction for all projectile problems

What is 0 m/s?


If you have a ball launched at some angle above the horizon with a speed of 75 m/s and the horizontal component is 25 m/s what is the angle launched at?

70 degrees


Draw the path of a cannon launched from a cannon ball.

What is a curved path? semi circle.

This is the vertical and horizontal of an object launched at an angle of 60 degree above the horizontal going 15 m/s
What is 13m/s vertical and 7.5 m/s horizontal?

If a person takes a running leap off a high diving platform that they were running at and lands in the water 2.6s later how high was the platform

What is 33.16 m?


If a car drives off the cliff 100m high how would the horizontal component of the velocity compare 1s after driving off to 2 s after driving off

What is it would be the same... How about the vertical component (super bonus)


A projectile is fired horizontally from the top of a lab table that has a height of h, and it lands a distance x from the base of the table. Express the time of flight in terms of h,x, and/or g

What is squrt of 2h/g?

A child kicks a ball with an initial velocity of 8.5 m/s at an angle of 35 degrees, The ball has an initial vertical velocity of 4.9 m/s and a total flight time of 1 s, this is the maximum height reached.
What is 1.2 m?

If a person is running at 2.8 m/s leaps off a high diving platform that they were running at and lands in the water 2.6 slater how far away from the platform will they hit the water.

What is 7.28 m?


A ball is projected horizontally from a cliff at a speed of 40 m/s if the ball travels a distance d, determine the distance in terms of d that a ball would travel if launched at 80 m/s from the same cliff

What is 2d?


A projectile is fired horizontally from the top of a lab table that has a height of h, and it lands a distance x from the base of the table. Express the initial velocity of the projectile in terms of h, x, g and/or t.

What is v = x/t?
