Projectile 1
Projectile 2
Charged Particles 1
Charged Particles 2

An object moves at a constant speed of 6 m/s. This means that the object:

A. Increases its speed by 6 m/s every second

B. Decreases its speed by 6 m/s every second

C. Doesn’t move

D. Has a positive acceleration

E. Moves 6 meters every second

E moves 6 meters every second


A football, a hockey puck, and a tennis ball all fall down in the absence of air resistance. Which of the following is true about their acceleration?

A. The acceleration of the football is greater than the other two

B. The acceleration of the hockey puck is greater than the other two

C. The acceleration of the tennis ball is greater than the other two

D. They all fall down with the same constant acceleration

E. More information is required

D They all fall down with the same constant acceleration


Force on a moving charge in a uniform magnetic field depends upon

  1. magnetic flux density
  2. the charge on the particle
  3. the speed of particle
  4. all of above

all of the above


For an object moving in uniform circular motion, the direction of the instantaneous acceleration vector is: 

1) tangent to the path of motion 

2) equal to zero 

3) directed radially outward 

4) directed radially inward

directed radially inward


Two rocks are dropped from the top of a cliff at the same time. Rock 1 falls straight down while Rock 2 follows a curved path. Which one them will hit the ground first?

Both will hit the ground at the same time


Alex drops a ball from rest from the top of a 100-meter high cliff. How much time will it take for the ball to reach the ground? Take g=10 m/s2

a. 7.74s

b. 4.47s

c. 3.34s

d. 4.54s



According to equation r = (mv)⁄(Be), faster-moving particles

a. move in a smaller circle

b. move straight

c. move in a bigger circle

d. move randomly


move in a bigger circle


Force due to magnetic field and velocity is

  1. at right angles to each other
  2. at acute angles with each other
  3. at obtuse angle with each other
  4. antiparallel to each other

at right angles to each other


A particle P is projected with velocity u1 at an angle of 30 degrees with the horizontal. Another particle Q is thrown vertically upwards with velocity u2 from a point vertically below the highest point of the path of P. The necessary condition for the two particles to collide at the highest point is:

a. u1=u2

b. u1=2u2

c. u1=4u2

d. u1=u1u2



F=mg-cv2 is the general form of:

Quadratic Air Resistance


The SI unit of the magnetic flux density is _______.



For an electron, the magnitude of the force on it is:

a. BeV

b. eV

c. Be

d. BV



The ceiling of a long hall is 25 m high. What is the maximum horizontal distance that a ball thrown with a speed of 40 m/s can go without hitting the ceiling of the hall? Approximately, the answer is:

a. between 155m-160m

b. between 145m-155m

c. between 98m-130m

between 145m-155m



The projection speed of a projection is 10 ms–1. Neglecting air effects and taking g = 10 m/s2, its horizontal range is found to be 5m. Calculate the angle(s) of projection. angle=x

a. x=25º

b. x=15º

c. x=35º



An electron is travelling at right angles to a uniform magnetic field of flux density 1.2 mT with a speed of 8 × 106 m s-1, radius of circular path followed by electron is 

  1. 3.8 cm
  2. 3.7 cm
  3. 3.6 cm
  4. 3.5 cm

3.8 cm


The force on a charge moving in a magnetic field is called _______________.

Lorentz force


An object is projected with a velocity of 20 m/s. making an angle of 45º with horizontal. The equation of trajectory is y = Ax – Bx2, where A and B are constants. The ratio A: B is:

a. 1:5  

b. 5:1

c. 40:1

d. 1:40



For a given velocity, a projectile has the same range R for two angles of projection. If t1 and t2 are the times of flight in the two cases, then t1.t2 is proportional to:

a. R   

b. R3

c. R2

d. R.cos(x



Quantity that is not affected by magnetic field is

a. moving charge

b. change in magnetic flux

c. current flowing in conductor

d. stationary charge

stationary charge


If the flow of electric current is parallel to the magnetic field, the force will be

a. fd

b. max

c. negative

d. zero

