True or false does prokayote cells and eukaryotic cells both have a nucleus?
Are fungi, animals, and plants as well as some unicellular organisms prokaryotes or eukaryotes?
Eukayote cells
Does a Prokaryote cell have a membrane bound nulceus?
No it does not
Does Prokaryote have flagella?
True or false: Eukaryote cells are bacteria?
True or false Eukaryotes are always just unicellular?
False Eukaryotes can be unicellular or multicuellular
Which cell doesn't have a nucleus (prokaryote or eukaryote)?
Prokaryote cells
Is the eukaryote cell more simple than the prokaryote cell?
No the prokaryote cell is more simple.
Does prokaryote cells have bigger ribosomes?
No they have smaller ribosomes.
Are both prokaryotes and eukaryotes found in humans?
True or false does a eukaryote cell have a capsule?
False a prokaryote cell has a capsule.
Is the prokaryote cell bigger than the eukaryote cell?
Sorry the prokaryote cell is smaller than the eukaryote cell.
Which cell has a nucleoid?
Prokaryote cells.
Are bacteria prokaryotes or eukaryotes?
How big are the prokaryote cells? 0.1 to 5.0 μm in diameter or 10–100 μm?
True or false both Pro cells and Eu cells have a cell membrane
True they do have one
Where is the DNA in the prokaryote cell located?
In the cytoplasm.
Do both Prokaryote cells and eukaryote cells have ribosomes?
Yes the bothe have ribosomes.
does a eukaryote cell have a cytoskeleton
yes it does have one
How big is the eukaryote cell? 0.1 to 5.0 μm in diameter or 10–100 μm?
10–100 μm
True or false Eukaryote cells are the only cells that have DNA
False both prokaryote cells and eukaryote cells have DNA.
Does both Prokaryote and Eukaryote cells have a cell wall
Yes they both have cell walls.
Did prokaryote cells evolve from eukaryote cells?
No it was the opposite.
Does a eukaryotic cell have chromosomes?
Does a prokaryote cell have a lot of chromosomes?