Life Skills

Which organ breaks down alcohol? 



What plant does marijuana come from? 



True or False: Nicotine is the only chemical you breath in when you vape. 


How much fentanyl is considered a deadly dose? 

The size of a pencil eraser. 


List a positive coping skill. 

Answers vary 


Over time, alcohol use can make it hard on your body to soak up what bone building substance?



True or False: Each marijuana use experience varies depending on potency of marijuana taken. 


What age do you have to be in NC to legally purchase any product containing tobacco or nicotine? 

21 years old


True or False: A fentanyl overdose can be reversed. 

True, with the use of narcan


True or False: Anger is a secondary emotion meaning that it follows another underlying emotion. 



Provide one example of when alcohol use is harmful.

  • When a person is under the age of 25 due to their brain development not being completed. 
  • When a person is under 21, risk for legal consequences is greatly increased. 
  • When a person drinks a lot very quickly or when a person is unaware of how much alcohol is in the drinks (ex. Mixed drinks, jello shots). 
  • Drinking on an empty stomach causes the alcohol to be absorbed into the body much quicker. 
  • When a person passes out, their body continues to absorb alcohol which can cause the amount in their blood to become fatal during sleep. 

Name the 3 most common strands of marijuana. 

Sativia, Indica, Hybrid 


List a possible symptom of nicotine withdrawal. 

Irritability, problems sleeping, problems paying attention, increased appetite, strong cravings


What is the safety position that a person should be placed in if you suspect they are overdosing while you wait for help to arrive? 

On their side with one leg up and their head resting on their arm. 


Define a support system and list one person in yours. 

Answers vary


List one thing that is dangerous when combined with alcohol use.

  • Combining alcohol with any other sedative, it can slow the heart rate to the point the heart stops. 
  • Rates of THC have risen, meaning combined it with alcohol increases chances of dangerous levels of sedation or distraction.
  • Aspirin and Ibuprofen can lead to an irritated stomach but when mixed with alcohol can lead to liver damage. 
  • Alcohol and driving. 
  • Antibiotics and Alcohol can cause nausea, vomiting, and/or convulsions. 
  •  Alcohol and Anti-anxiety medications can lead to severe drowsiness and increase risk of home and car accidents. 
  • Alcohol and antidepressants can be dangerous because alcohol can increase depressive symptoms and suicidal thoughts. 
  • Alcohol and blood thinners can increase the amount of the blood thinner in the body and lead to dangerous amounts of bleeding. 
    • In chronic users has the opposite effect and stops preventing blood clots. 

True or False: A person’s cognitive functions can be affected for a day or more after a single use of marijuana.


How do we get Nicotine? 

Tobacco leaves are dried, fermented, and added to products for use. 


List as many notifiers that someone may be overdosing as you can. 

  • Small, constricted "pinpoint" pupils
  • Falling asleep or losing consciousness
  • Slow, weak, or not breathing
  • Choking or gurgling sounds
  • Limp body
  • Cold and/or clammy skin
  • Discolored skin (especially in lips and nails)

List the NC Drug Schedules 

Schedule 1

Schedule 2

Schedule 3

Schedule 4


What is one indicator of excessive or risky use? 

  • You drink more, or for longer than you intended. 
  • You try to cut down or stop drinking, but are not able to.
  • You have to drink more than you once did to get the effect you want/feel drunk.  
  • You continue to drink even though it makes you feel depressed or anxious or adds to another health problem. 
  • Your loved ones and/or trusted friends have made comments about your drinking patterns or have expressed concerns. 
  • You spend a lot of time drinking or thinking about drinking. 
  • You find that drinking often interferes with daily activities, family, friends, and/or work/school. 
  • You have been arrested or had other legal problems due to drinking. 
  • You experience symptoms of withdrawal when you don’t drink. 

How long will marijuana show up in a drug screen after last use? 

30 days


_____________________ is smoke inhaled by someone nearby a smoker that can be cause lung diseases and cancer in extreme cases. 

Secondhand Smoke 


What is the first step you should take if you suspect someone is overdosing? 

Call 911


Chose a member of each team and list on a piece of paper how many social media platforms they can think of in 15 seconds. 

Team with the most correct answers wins. 
