TC 3-25.26
Geographic representations of earth surface and terrain
What is a map
SHARP Meaning
What is Sexual Harassment Assault Response Prevention
Basic Rifle Marksmanship publication.
What is TC 3-22.9?
The Six events of the ACFT.
What is:
1) 3 Rep Max Deadlift 2) Standing Power Throw
3)Hand-Release Push-up 4) Sprint Drag Carry
5) Plank 6) 2-Mile Run
This program provides emergency financial assistance to Soldiers and their eligible families in time of distress.
What is Army Emergency Relief (AER)
Colors of Map
Types of North
What is Blue Green Red Brown Black Red-brown
What is Grid True Magnetic
Types of Report
What is Restricted and Unrestricted
What is: Treat every weapon as if it loaded,
Never point the weapon at anything you do not intend to destroy,
Keep finger straight and off the trigger until ready to fire,
Ensure positive identification of target and its surroundings.
ATP 7-22.01
What is the Army Combat Fitness Test publication?
AER Army Regulation
Distance to point using 6-digit 8-digit 10-digit corrdinates
What is 100m, 10m, 1m
Different Categories of Sexual Harassment
What is Verbal, Non-Verbal, Physical Contact
Immediate action for an M4
What is SPORTS. Slap Pull Observe Release Tap Shoot
What is AR 600-9?
Communication between soldiers and their families for both problem solving and emergency.
What is the Red Cross?
5 Major terrains
3 Minor Terrains
2 Sub terrains
What is Hills Valley Ridge Depression Saddle
What is Draw Spur Cliff
What is Cut and Fill
Slogan for SHARP
What is I A.M. STRONG
The Point target, Area target, and Maximum range for M4.
What is 500m, 600m, 3600m
Actions required when a soldier is determined to be exceeding the body fat.
What is Notification Counseling, Soldier Action Plan, and Nutrition Counseling.
A program designed to strengthen the overall fitness and effectiveness of the Army and to enhance the combat readiness of its personnel and unit by eliminating alcohol and/or drug abuse.
What is Army Substance Abuse Program?
Size that exists between the grid and magnetic north
What is Grid magnetic angle
8 phases of the firing cycling function
What is Feeding, Chambering, Locking, Firing, Unlocking, Extracting, Ejecting, and Cocking
What is DA Form 5000 (male), and DA Form 5501 (female)?
This program is a command responsibility and reflects command priorities and expectations for leader training and development.
What is NCO Professional Development Program.