Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement
Identifying Pronouns and Their Antecedents
Pronoun Case
Reflexive Pronouns
Vague Pronouns

“(A lollipop is/Lollipops) are better than chocolate because they last longer,” Ginny explained.

"Lollipops are better than chocolate because they last longer," Ginny explained.


After Steven tried every tootsie roll, he was promoted to lead taste tester.

Pronoun - he

Antecedent - Steven


Fill in the blank with an object pronoun. 

When the musicians and I finished our performance, Madelyn stood up to applaud ____ while we bowed.

When the musicians and I finished our performance, Madelyn stood up to applaud us while we bowed.


The producer made _______ a budget for the movie and asked the company to approve it.

A. myself

B. hisself

C. himself

C. The producer made himself a budget for the movie and asked the company to approve it.


Clear or Vague?

Because Anthony Edwards was driving Ben to the carnival, he didn't need his bike.

Vague. He could be replacing Anthony Edwards or Ben.


Halle prepared a vase of flowers but filled (it/them) with Sprite by mistake.

Halle prepared a vase of flowers but filled it with Sprite by mistake.


Ever since Susie bought a jet ski, I have wanted to visit her.

Pronoun - her

Antecedent - Susie


Fill in the blank with a subject pronoun.

The professors and I wanted Ron to participate in our study. _____ offered to pay him as an incentive.

The professors and I wanted Ron to participate in our study. We offered to pay him as an incentive.


Fill in the blank with a reflexive pronoun.

I kept _______ awake so I could say hello to Kirk when he came home.

I kept myself awake so I could say hello to Kirk when he came home.


Clear or Vague?

Gilderoy Lockhart came across a baby giraffe and a frightening lion during his safari. It had the shiniest fur he had ever seen.

Vague. It could be replacing giraffe or lion.


Parker bought (each/both) of the video games as they were released.

Parker bought both of the video games as they were released.


The mailman never forgets to wear his special sunscreen.

Pronoun - his

Antecedent - mailman


Fill in the blank with a possessive pronoun. 

Minerva complimented the chefs on ______ delicious cooking.

Minerva complimented the chefs on their delicious cooking.


Fill in the blank with a reflexive pronoun.

Greg thinks it wouldn't be fair if we gave ________ a head start in the race.

Greg thinks it wouldn't be fair if we gave ourselves a head start in the race.


Clear or Vague?

Clark Kent just signed my yearbook. I think that was the greatest moment of my life.



"Either trail will have (their/its) challenges,” Mr. Filch warned.

"Either trail will have its challenges,” Mr. Filch warned.


The actors couldn't perform until the mailman delivered their new costumes.

Pronoun - their

Antecedent - The actors


_____________ refuse to go to the reptile house at the zoo because we are afraid of snakes.

A. Me and Lebron James

B. Lebron James and me

C. Lebron James and myself

D. Lebron James and I

D. Lebron James and I refuse to go to the reptile house at the zoo because we are afraid of snakes.


Jacob exclaimed to his friends, "You've dressed ________ like pirates for my dinner party!"

A. yourselfs

B. yourself

C. yourselves

D. you

C. Jacob exclaimed to his friends, "You've dressed yourselves like pirates for my dinner party!"


Clear or Vague?

The zookeepers let John Travolta's friends feed a baby tiger. I don't think they knew what they were doing.

Vague. They could be replacing the zookeepers or John Travolta's friends.


Taylor thinks that (all colors/every color) of M&M’s should have its own flavor.

Taylor thinks that every color of M&M’s should have its own flavor.


I love smoothies, but the mayor told me to stop drinking them.

Pronoun - them

Antecedent - smoothies


Claire decided that the problem was between you and ____.

A. myself

B. I

C. me

C. Claire decided that the problem was between you and me.


I cried to the group of farmers, "I'm not as strong as __________ and The Hulk and am too tired to help with harvest today!"

A. you

B. yourselves

C. yourself

A. I cried to the group of farmers, "I'm not as strong as you and The Hulk and am too tired to help with harvest today!"


Clear or Vague?

Kirk Cousins spends hours a day caring for his pet fish. That is why he refuses to eat sushi.

