he, she, him, her, it, they, we, us, them, you
What are examples of personal pronouns
A personal pronoun that takes place of the noun "boy".
What is he or him
Me want to go to the store
What is the incorrect usage of me? It should be I.
We couldn't get ____ feet to move fast enough.
What is our?
A word that takes the place of one or more nouns.
What is a personal pronoun?
Their house is next to ours
What is an example of a possessive pronoun?
Three personal pronouns that takes place of two or more people
What is we, them, they, their
Maria should buy she a new notebook
What is the incorrect usage of she? It should be herself.
_____, the class of 2029, are committed to reaching every goal in reading academy.
What is we?
A pronoun that shows ownership
What is a possessive pronoun?
Nobody wants to play centerfield
What is an example of an indefinite pronoun?
Three indefinite pronouns that replace a group of people
What is anybody, somebody, someone
The Fortnite games are mines
What is the an incorrect usage of mines. It should be mine.
She wanted _____ to be the only shoes her bridesmaids wore.
What is those?
A pronoun that points out one or more people or things
What is a demonstrative pronoun?
Whose glove is that?
What is an example of demonstrative pronoun?
Three reflexive pronouns when referring back to person(s) or thing(s)
What is myself, himself, itself, ourselves, herself, yourselves
We worked on the project themselves.
What is the incorrect usage of themselves? It should be ourselves.
They took ______ out of the running when it looked like they would lose.
What is themselves?
A pronoun that refers to a general group.
What is an indefinite pronoun?
Maria should buy herself a new notebook
What is an example of a reflexive pronoun?
The noun that the pronoun takes the place of is called
What is the antecedent
They were proud of ourselves for behaving for Mr. Southall while Ms. Brummett was absent.
What is the incorrect usage of
We to ourselves
Or, They to themselves
Many were trying to ring a toy, but ________ could do it.
What is nobody?
Pronouns that always end in -self or -selves
What are reflexive pronouns