(He/Him) ran two miles this morning.
This is our house.
I learned how to play guitar.
I, subject
What does a pronoun do?
replaces a noun
Did she bring her parents to the game?
she, her
I gave (her/she) roses.
The blue house is mine.
He found a new pencil.
He, subject
What does a subject pronoun do?
the action
Both Jenny and he lost their jackets.
he, their
(They/Them) went to pick up milk.
Your wallet is on the table.
His bike was broken.
His, possessive
What does a possessive pronoun show?
shows ownership
She remembered to him to bring her homework to school.
she, him, her
(We/Us) are walking dogs at the park today.
Where did Sam put their project?
They brought chicken noodle soup for me.
they - subject
me - object
the action
His uniform and their shirts were in her washer because they were dirty.
his, their, her, they
(Her/She) went to the library to look for (they/them).
she / them
An obedient dog brings its toy.
Todd thought his book was lost or stolen by him.
his, possessive
him - object
Tell 5 Possessive pronouns.
mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs
You should bring their money to school for his snack and her lunch.
you, their, his, her