Find the subject and replace with the proper pronoun in the sentence below:
John Wayne was one of the most famous actors in history.
John Wayne: HE
Is the the bolded pronoun a subject or object pronoun?
"It does not look right to me," said Jim.Subject
Define: Antecedent
The noun in which a pronoun refers back.
What is the name of Mr. Chiochios's camp?
Hillbilly Heaven!
Basketball players in the 80s made the NBA popular again.
players: THEY
Is the the bolded pronoun a subject or object pronoun?
This is only the beginning of it.
Object pronoun (prepositional phrase)
Identify the antecedent:
Kim looked as though she had seen a ghost.
Inali lent his skateboard to (I, me).
Dessert or another piece of STEAK?
Find the subject and replace with the correct noun in the sentence below:
Mrs. Carlson enjoyed making brunch for the children.
Mrs. Carlson: SHE
Is the the bolded pronoun a subject or object pronoun?
A single word said by her may take as many as eight drawings in cartoon creation.
her is an object (prep. phrase)
Choose the possessive pronoun:
Are these our basketball cards or do they belong to you?
I met Joel and (he/him) in the library.
What was Mr. Chiochios's LOWEST grade in college?
D- (Ecology!) 4 Tests for the entire semester, BUT...Mr. Chiochios did NOT study. Shame, shame.
Find the subject and replace with the correct noun in the sentence below:
Don't go over there!
Subject is understood: YOU
Is the the bolded pronoun a subject or object pronoun?
To achieve greatness, they practice day and night.
They is a subject (don't get fooled by the introductory phrase)
Find the subject and the correct VERB which agrees with it.
"Some of the students (make/makes) no effort to pay attention."
Some make
Your state mandatory, standardized test for this year is called what?
When it comes to boots...
Timberland or Redwing?
Find the subject and replace with the correct noun in the sentence below:
Where did the school get that mascot from?
school: IT
Is the the bolded pronoun a subject or object pronoun?
The best of the best is she.
First of all, She IS the correct pronoun! It is NOT her. Did I read your minds??? I thought so. Anyhow, we have a linking verb, which means we have a predicate noun, which is always a SUBJECT pronoun!
Identify the correct antecedent for the pronoun "she."
Clara jumped when the man yelled from the bushes. There was another man on the ground, unconscious. Then, she yelled "Murder! Murder!"
she goes to the antecedent "CLARA."
What four areas does the PSAT cover? (Be specific to rules for each test!)
1. Reading
2. Grammar (Writing and Language will be accepted)
3. Math without calculator!
4. Math WITH calculator!
What is Mr. Chiochios's favorite fishing REEL of all time?
Abu Garcia! The Cardinal!