Founder of Microsoft
What is Associative Property of Addition?
7 (4 + 5) = (7 x 4) + (7 x 5)
What is Distributive Property?
Find the sum and the property
31 + 0 =?
31 according to the Identity Property of Addition
1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19
Which number is considered unlucky in the US?
What is Identity Property of Addition
0 x 14 = 0
What is Zero Property?
The missing number and what property are we using to solve this?
24 + 35 + 21 = 35 + 21 + ?
24 and we are using the Commutative Property of Addition
This statement equals ______ because of this property
1 x 879 = ?
What is 879 and the Identity Property of Multiplication
How do you spell my name?
What is Commutative Property of Addition?
1 x 67 = 67
What is Identity Property of Multiplication?
Write the number sentence using the Associative Property of Addition
21 + (14 + 19) = ?
(21 + 14) + 19
10 x (34 x 2) and (10 x 34) x 2 both equal this number
What is 680?
(Associative Property of Multiplication)
32 + (29 +15) = (32 + 29) + 15
What is Associative Property of Addition?
(9 x 4) x 3 = 9 x (4 x 3)
What is Associative Property of Multiplication?
2 x 37 and 37 x 2 equal the same number which is ____ because of this property
What is 74 and the Commutative Property of Multiplication
Good luck...
18 + 26 + 5 = 26 + 5 +18
What is Commutative Property of Addition?
12 x 7 = 7 x 12
What is Commutative Property of Multiplication?
Are they equal? Which property is this?
17 + 47 + 13 = ?
13 + 17 + 47 = ?
4 (7 + 5) and (4 x 7) + (4 x 5)
Name the property
Distributive Property