TRUE or FALSE? Everything is the world is made of matter.
Kian places a thin sheet of blue plastic wrap over a flashlight. When he shines the light on the wall, what color does he see?
Which process describes the change in solid ice to liquid water?
TRUE or FALSE? You have to be able to see matter for it to exist.
Which two words are used to describe the hardness of matter?
Which process describes what happens when water vapor turns back into a liquid state because of a drop in temperature?
Anything that has mass and takes up space is called ____________________.
Which state of matter spreads to fill a space?
What process describes the change from liquid water to water vapor?
The amount of matter in an object is called _____________. It is usually measured in grams or ounces on a scale or balance tray.
When comparing the mass of two solids to see which is heavier, you should do this...
Place the objects on a balance tray. The tray that hangs lower has the most mass.
BOILING is a special example of this process that happens at 212 degrees F.
Which state of matter takes the shape of its container?
Describe the steps needed to find the mass of a liquid.
1. Measure the mass of an empty container.
2. Add the liquid to the container.
3. Measure the mass of the container and the liuqid.
4. Subtract the first measurement from the second measurement to get the mass of just the liquid.
George wanted to do an experiment and turn liquid water into ice using Mother Nature. Therefore, he left his water outside overnight. He checked it many times during the course of the night.
At 11:30 pm, the temperature outside was 39 degrees.
At 12:45 am, the temperature outside was 34 degrees.
At 1:12 am, the temperature outside was 29 degrees.
At 2:53 am, the temperature outside was 23 degrees.
At what time did George FIRST find his water in a solid state AND what is the name of the process that occurred when George's water changed from a liquid to a solid?