What property is this?
What is Associtive property of addition
What property is this?
What is Zero property of multiplication
What property does this describe?
I can take the number I am going to multiply, and I can multiply it by both numbers that are being added. Then I can add the products together.
What is distributive property of multiplication over addition
What property does this describe?
When you multiply the number by one,you get that number as the answer.
What is identy property of multiplication
What property is this?
What is Associtive property of multiplication
Find the solution.
True or False
There are 9 properties
What is true
What does this describe?
The number I add by zero equals the number I added.
What is Zero property of addition or Identity property of addition
True or false
What is true
What property is this? (step by step)
What is distributive property of multiplication over addition.
Find the solution.
What property does this describe?
This property lets me change the grouping by changing the parenthesis.
What is associtive property of addition
How many properties are there?
What is 9
Find the soultion.
Find the solution.
True or false
The commutative property makes you have to put the numbers in a certain order.
What is false.
What property is this?
What is zero property of multiplication
What property does this describe?
It allows me to put the numbers I'm adding in any order I want.
What is Commutative property of addition
What property is this?
Commutative property of multiplication.
What property is this?
What is identity property of multiplication
True or False
5743+(72+4357) Is equal to (5743+72)+4357
What is true
Find the solution
What is 400=400
Describe the associative property of multiplication.
(does not have to be in the same exact words)
It allows me to change the grouping by allowing you to change the parenthesis.
Find the solution
True or False
Th commutative property of addition is:
What is false