Dose the distributive property use addition or multiplication
What is the definition of the zero property of multiplication
If you multiply any number by zero you get zero
What is the answer
What is the answer
12345678901 x 1
What is the answer
2 x (3+4)=(2 x 3) + (2 x 4)
What is the answer
0 x 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x 7 x 8 x 9
What is the answer
(9 x 8)x 4=(4 x 8) x 9
What is the answer
25 x 20= 20 x 25
What is the answer
What is the definition of the identity property of addition
When you add a zero to any number, it equals the number itself
What is the official name of the distributive property
Distributive property of multiplication over addition
What is the definition of the zero property of addition
Zero added to any number does not change the number
Why do we use variables
To understand it without using numbers
What is the definition of the commutative property of multiplication
The numbers can be multiplied in any order and you will still get the same answer
What is the definition of the identity property of multiplication
Multiplying any number by one equals itself
8 x(5+7)=(8 x 5)+(8 x 7)
What is the answer
363647645432634563536477647326464354364 x 0
What is the answer
(9 x 8)=(8 x 9)
What is the answer
What is the definition of the commutative property of addition
The numbers can be added in any order and you will still get the same answer
464857648957 + 0 =
What is the answer
What is the definition of the distributive property
you can take the number you multiply, and I can multiply by both numbers that are being added. Then you can add the products together.
123123123123 + 0
What is the answer
What is the definition of associative property of addition and multiplication DD
Addition: You can add the numbers regardless of how they are grouped.
Multiplication: You can multiply the number regardless of how they are grouped
8 x 9 x 6 = 6 x 8 x 9
What is the answer
9487 x 1 4657 x 1
If you add these together what do I get