what happened after adam (as) died?
Allah (swt) sent Idris (as)
when was the prophet Noah (as) born
almost 1,000 years after adam (as)
what did the people do when Noah (as) advised them
they put their fingers in their ears
Why did Allah (swt) send prophet hud (as)
people were being mean and worshipping idols
what tribe was Salih (as) sent to?
sent to Thamud
Did people listen to Idris (as) ?
many didn't, only few
what did shaytan have the people do with statues?
worship them
950 years
what did the bunny say about rich people?
people should be grateful to Allah (swt)
why did the people ask Salih to do?
to make a pregnant camel of a rock
where were the children of Adam?
all over the world
why did Allah (swt) send Noah (as)
to warn people only to worship Allah (swt)
what did Noah (as) build?
a boat
what happened over the years to huds (as) people?
they still did not believe and kept worshipping their idols because they were too proud
what did the people do to the camel?
they killed it because it drank lots of their water from the well, so they were told they had only 3 days to repent but they didn't believe
where did allah tell Idris and believers to go?
who got angry at Noah (as) for his messages?
the rich, they said he was a normal person and not a messager
what happened to the disbelievers?
Noah (as) wife and son didn't believe like the other people everyone became flooded
what did allah (swt) cause to happen on them, and for how long ?
he sent dryness and strong winds for 8 days and 7 nights
what punishment came?
after their faces changed colors, they had a very loud thunder and killed them immediately
what did Idris do in Egypt?
he taught them prayers, to fast, and to give zakat (wealth to the poor), invent writing
did prophet Idris (as) use gentle words to try to give the nonbelievers?
how many came with Noah (as) in his ship and what happened when they reached safety?
only 80 and they lived after leaving and began to have their group worshiping Allah (swt)
where did the people that believed in Allah (swt) go?
they went to yemen
where did the believers go?
they left with prophet Salih (as)