Who was Prophet Muhammad?
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was the last prophet in Islam, born in Mecca in 570 CE. He is regarded by Muslims as the final messenger of Allah.
How old was Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) when he received the first revelation?
40 years old
What was the primary message delivered by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?
The oneness of Allah (Tawheed), worshiping Allah alone
What is the name of the first Battle between the Prophet and Quraish?
The Battle of Badr.
What was the name of Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) father?
Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) father was Abdullah.
What was the first revelation received by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?
The first revelation, found in Surah Al-Alaq, begins with the words "Read in the name of your Lord who created,"
Who were the first people to accept Islam?
The first people to accept Islam were Khadijah (the wife of Prophet Muhammad), Ali (his cousin), Abu Bakr (his close friend), and Zayd ibn Harithah (his freed slave).
Which year did the battle of Badr take place?
in the 2nd year hijrah
Where was Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) born?
born in Makkah
Where was Prophet Muhammad when he received revelation?
In the cave of Hira
How did the Quraish act upon hearing the news of the message of Islam?
They strongly opposed to it, because it contradicted their beliefs of worshiping only One god when they had so many.
What happened in the Battle of Uhud? Which year did the battle take place?
In the 3rd year of Hijrah.
The Muslims lost because they did not follow the orders of the Prophet to stay put in their places.
What is the name of the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) mother?
Amina bint Wahb.
Who did Allah sent down to give Prophet Muhammad the message of the Quran?
Angel Jibreel (AS)
Who protected the Prophet while he was preaching the message of Islam
His uncle Abu Talib as long as he was alive, even though he never embraced Islam.
Who led the Quraish in the Battle of Uhud?
Abu Sufian was the leader, and Kahlid Ibn Al Walid cost the Muslims their victory because of his genius military tactics.
What is the significance of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in Islam?
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is considered the Seal of the Prophets
In which month did Muhammad receive revelation of the Quran?
In the month of Ramadan
Which one of his uncles is mentioned in the Quran?
Abu Lahab, there is a chapter in the Quran called surah Al Massad.
What is the Battle of the Trench (Al-Ahzab)?
The Muslims defended the city of Madinah by digging a trench around it, and the enemy was ultimately forced to retreat.