Who is the last last prophet?
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
Who did the people of Iraq worship at the time of Prophet Ibrahim?
sun, moon, and stars
Adam AS
the affirmation of faith
La ilaha illa’l-lah, muhammada’r rasulu’l-lah; ‘There
is no god but God, Muhammad is the messenger of God’. Through this declaration, a
Muslim testifies his or her belief in the Oneness of God and affirms Prophet
Muhammad as God’s last and final messenger.
How has Allah sent guidance?
messengers and prophets
Who did Prophet Ibrahim have an audience with after causing a scene at the church?
the king
What was Hawwa made from?
Adam AS's rib
The principle of the Oneness and Uniqueness of God in Islam
What did unbelievers worship?
idols and statues
What did Prophet Ibrahim do the the statues?
Why didn't Shaitan bow down to Adam AS?
Because he was arrogant and thought he was better than Adam AS because he was made of fire and Adam was made from clay.
Faith! Islam is our iman.
Eid al-Adha
festival celebrating the story of Ibrahim and Ismail
Why did Prophet Ibrahim say people couldn't worship statues?
the statues couldn't speak, help, or harm anyone
What did Prophet Adam AS that made him get sent down to earth?
Eat from the forbidden tree
A person who journeys to a sacred place for religious reasons. In Islam a
muslim is a pilgrim when he/she visits Kabah to perform annual Hajj held on 9th
Zil-Haj according to Islamic calendar
Sirat -al-Mustaqim
The right path or the straight path
What happened when Prophet Ibrahim was flung into the fire?
Allah cooled the fire and Prophet Ibrahim was unharmed
What were Adam AS's sons names?
Habil and Qabil
The annual pilgrimage by Muslims to the Ka’ba in Mecca