Old: 80
Markup or markdown
30% markdown
total: 50
Tip: 3%
r: 7%
round to the nearest hundredth
markup or markdown?
16.67% markup
original price: $68
round to the nearest hundredth
i: 700
r: 3.5%
p: 2000
t= 10 years
A game on at GameStop was $83. When Manuel looked on Amazon, he saw the same game for $10. Rounded to the nearest tenth, what percent was the markdown?
You and your friends go out for pizza at Johnny's Pizzeria. The bill comes out to $32 before tax and tip. If tax is 7.5% and you guys want to leave a 20% tip, how much will the total bill be?
In 6 years, you make $2000 on an initial stock marked investment of $400. What was the interest rate rounded to the nearest tenth?
R= 83.3%
A store buys a shirt for $64. They sell it for $72. Was this a markup or markdown? How much percent?
12.5% markup
At a restaurant the bill comes to $40. How much do you pay in total if you want to leave a 10% tip and pay 7% tax?
You borrow $400 from a friend. They tell you that you must pay 3.5% back on top of what you borrowed each each. If you borrow the money for 3 years, what was the interest earned?
i= $42
Emma bought a flower originally for $10 at a discounted price of $6. What is the percent? Markup or markdown?
40% markdown
Mary bought a tv for $50000. The tax 8%. How much is she going to pay?(price & tax)
At the Dream Bank every costumer earns $300 simple interest on a $500 deposit over 10 years. Find rate.
r= 6%